Dr Meghan Dares is a Orthopaedic Surgeon, Foot and Ankle Surgeon, have practice in Wollongong Private Hospital in Wollongong, NSW . Dr Meghan Dares has 226 views and no reviews. 0 patients voted for medical provider, average rating 0.00 out of 5.


Dr Meghan Dares is an Australian-trained orthopaedic surgeon with extensive surgical experience. She treats patients (adults and paediatric) with all foot and ankle conditions as well as general orthopaedic trauma. She has recently joined Wollongong and Shellharbour Public Hospitals and Wollongong Private Hospital. She has permanent operating lists at both public and private hospitals and is currently consulting with Escarpment Orthopaedics. Raised in Queensland, she completed her orthopaedic training in the Sydney Southside program, which included six months at Wollongong Hospital as the Senior Registrar. Dr Dares has gained international subspecialty experience in both foot and ankle surgery and trauma. In 2016 she completed a fellowship at one of South Africa’s busiest trauma centres – Tygerberg Hospital in Cape Town. During that time, she gained extensive experience in the application of circular frames, a skill she hopes to use for Charcot diabetic foot reconstructions. Having also completed a foot and ankle surgery fellowship at the prestigious Queen Alexandra Hospital in the UK, she is proficient in all aspects of foot and ankle surgery. Whilst there she developed a special interest in new techniques in foot and ankle surgery including arthroscopic ankle fusion, subtalar joint arthroscopy and joint sparing procedures for great toe arthritis. Dr Dares is committed to the principals of functional rehabilitation – early weight-bearing (where possible) and weaning of immobilisation. She believes that multidisciplinary consultation is essential to return patients to their best functional outcome in the shortest reasonable amount of time performing activities they love to do. Passionate about research, she has recently supervised two papers presented at the AOA 2017 National Scientific Meeting. She has also previously been published in peer review journals, edited a book on diabetic foot and presented at international meetings on foot and ankle conditions. She is also regularly involved in outreach in the South Pacific. She also has an interest in streamlining clinical practice, having presented at an international level on theatre and fracture clinic efficiency. Special interests: Treatment of all foot and ankle conditions incuding arthroscopic ankle fusion, subtalar joint arthroscopy and joint sparing procedures for great toe arthritis.

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  • Practice name Wollongong Private Hospital
  • Address 409 Crown Street, Wollongong, NSW
  • Suburb or City Wollongong, NSW
What is the Dr Meghan Dares's specialty?
Dr Meghan Dares is a Orthopaedic Surgeon, Foot and Ankle Surgeon.
What is the address of the Dr Meghan Dares's practice?
Dr Meghan Dares works at 409 Crown Street, Wollongong, NSW
What are the Dr Meghan Dares's qualifications?


Dr Meghan Dares is an Australian-trained orthopaedic surgeon with extensive surgical experience. She treats patients (adults and paediatric) with all foot and ankle conditions as well as general orthopaedic trauma. She has recently joined Wollongong and Shellharbour Public Hospitals and Wollongong Private Hospital. She has permanent operating lists at both public and private hospitals and is currently consulting with Escarpment Orthopaedics. Raised in Queensland, she completed her orthopaedic training in the Sydney Southside program, which included six months at Wollongong Hospital as the Senior Registrar. Dr Dares has gained international subspecialty experience in both foot and ankle surgery and trauma. In 2016 she completed a fellowship at one of South Africa’s busiest trauma centres – Tygerberg Hospital in Cape Town. During that time, she gained extensive experience in the application of circular frames, a skill she hopes to use for Charcot diabetic foot reconstructions. Having also completed a foot and ankle surgery fellowship at the prestigious Queen Alexandra Hospital in the UK, she is proficient in all aspects of foot and ankle surgery. Whilst there she developed a special interest in new techniques in foot and ankle surgery including arthroscopic ankle fusion, subtalar joint arthroscopy and joint sparing procedures for great toe arthritis. Dr Dares is committed to the principals of functional rehabilitation – early weight-bearing (where possible) and weaning of immobilisation. She believes that multidisciplinary consultation is essential to return patients to their best functional outcome in the shortest reasonable amount of time performing activities they love to do. Passionate about research, she has recently supervised two papers presented at the AOA 2017 National Scientific Meeting. She has also previously been published in peer review journals, edited a book on diabetic foot and presented at international meetings on foot and ankle conditions. She is also regularly involved in outreach in the South Pacific. She also has an interest in streamlining clinical practice, having presented at an international level on theatre and fracture clinic efficiency. Special interests: Treatment of all foot and ankle conditions incuding arthroscopic ankle fusion, subtalar joint arthroscopy and joint sparing procedures for great toe arthritis.


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