Dr Smariti Kapila
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Dr Smariti Kapila
Dr Smariti Kapila is a Otolaryngologist (ENT), have practice in Hunters Hill Private Hospital in Burwood, NSW and East Sydney Private Hospital in Woolloomooloo, NSW. Dr Smariti Kapila has 161 views and no reviews. 0 patients voted for medical provider, average rating 0.00 out of 5.


Profile: Smariti graduated from University of New South Whales with a Bachelor in Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery, and is an Australian trained Ear Nose and Throat Surgeon, who has trained in Sydney, Adelaide and Darwin, as well as internatioanl terms in Lucerne, Switzerland for Otology (Ear), New York Eye and Ear Infirmary for Otology (Ear), and Ocean Springs, Mississippi, for Sinus Surgery (Nose).She finds ENT Surgery brings immense quality-of-life improvement to her patients, including allergies and sinonasal issues, snoring, recurrent tonsillitis, hearing and ear infections, for infants, to school children, to adults and the elderly alike.

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  • Practice name Hunters Hill Private Hospital
  • Address 26A Burwood Rd, Burwood , NSW, 2134
  • Suburb or City Burwood, NSW
  • Practice name East Sydney Private Hospital
  • Address 75 Crown Street, Woolloomooloo, NSW 2011
  • Suburb or City Woolloomooloo, NSW
What is the Dr Smariti Kapila's specialty?
Dr Smariti Kapila is a Otolaryngologist (ENT).
What is the address of the Dr Smariti Kapila's practice?
Dr Smariti Kapila works at 26A Burwood Rd, Burwood , NSW, 2134
What are the Dr Smariti Kapila's qualifications?


Profile: Smariti graduated from University of New South Whales with a Bachelor in Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery, and is an Australian trained Ear Nose and Throat Surgeon, who has trained in Sydney, Adelaide and Darwin, as well as internatioanl terms in Lucerne, Switzerland for Otology (Ear), New York Eye and Ear Infirmary for Otology (Ear), and Ocean Springs, Mississippi, for Sinus Surgery (Nose).She finds ENT Surgery brings immense quality-of-life improvement to her patients, including allergies and sinonasal issues, snoring, recurrent tonsillitis, hearing and ear infections, for infants, to school children, to adults and the elderly alike.


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