Dr Shanela Sooben
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Dr Shanela Sooben
Dr Shanela Sooben is a Gastroenterologist, have practice in Wexford Gastroenterology in Murdoch, WA and Mount Hospital in Perth, WA. Dr Shanela Sooben has 306 views and no reviews. 0 patients voted for medical provider, average rating 0.00 out of 5.

MBBS FRACP Gastroenterology & Hepatology, BSc (MedSc), MBBS, FRACP

Shanela is a locally trained gastroenterologist. She studied medicine and completed her training in gastroenterology in WA. In addition to being a general gastroenterologist, she did her sub-speciality training in the area of inflammatory bowel disease.

Shanela has a keen interest for all aspects of general gastroenterology including gastro-oesophageal reflux disease, functional gut disorders, bowel cancer screening, coeliac disease and eosinophilic oesophagitis as well as inflammatory bowel disease.

Shanela is actively involved in research and international conference presentations in both general gastroenterology and inflammatory bowel disease.

She has a passion for teaching and holds a clinical educator and lecturer position at Curtin University Medical School.

Shanela currently holds public appointments at Fiona Stanley Hospital and Fremantle Hospital.

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  • Practice name Wexford Gastroenterology
  • Address 3 Barry Marshall Parade, Murdoch, WA
  • Suburb or City Murdoch, WA
  • Practice name Mount Hospital
  • Address 146 Mounts Bay Road, Perth, WA
  • Suburb or City Perth, WA
What is the Dr Shanela Sooben's specialty?
Dr Shanela Sooben is a Gastroenterologist.
What is the address of the Dr Shanela Sooben's practice?
Dr Shanela Sooben works at 3 Barry Marshall Parade, Murdoch, WA
What are the Dr Shanela Sooben's qualifications?

MBBS FRACP Gastroenterology & Hepatology, BSc (MedSc), MBBS, FRACP

Shanela is a locally trained gastroenterologist. She studied medicine and completed her training in gastroenterology in WA. In addition to being a general gastroenterologist, she did her sub-speciality training in the area of inflammatory bowel disease.

Shanela has a keen interest for all aspects of general gastroenterology including gastro-oesophageal reflux disease, functional gut disorders, bowel cancer screening, coeliac disease and eosinophilic oesophagitis as well as inflammatory bowel disease.

Shanela is actively involved in research and international conference presentations in both general gastroenterology and inflammatory bowel disease.

She has a passion for teaching and holds a clinical educator and lecturer position at Curtin University Medical School.

Shanela currently holds public appointments at Fiona Stanley Hospital and Fremantle Hospital.


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