Dr Sam Galhenage
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Dr Sam Galhenage
Dr Sam Galhenage is a Gastroenterologist, have practice in Coastal Gastroenterology in Murdoch, WA and South Perth Hospital Endoscopy Unit in South Perth, WA. Dr Sam Galhenage has 271 views and no reviews. 0 patients voted for medical provider, average rating 0.00 out of 5.

MBBS (UWA), 1996, FRACP, 2005

Dr Sam Galhenage is a gastroenterologist and hepatologist who works at St John of God Murdoch Hospital.

He obtained his primary medical degree from the University of Western Australia in 1996 and completed his basic physician’s training at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital, and his advanced traineeship in gastroenterology under the Western Australian tertiary hospital rotation program. He finished his final year of gastroenterology training at Prince of Wales Hospital in Sydney, New South Wales, before relocating to the USA for 18 months to complete a Fellowship in Hepatology at the renowned Duke University in Durham, North Carolina, focusing on viral hepatitis.

In 2008, Dr Galhenage returned to Australia to work as a Consultant Gastroenterologist at Fremantle Hospital. From 2015 he has worked as the Head of Hepatology and Viral Hepatitis Services at Fiona Stanley Hospital in Murdoch, WA.

Dr Galhenage maintains a strong clinical interest in viral hepatitis and advanced liver disease, and attends the WA Liver Transplant Clinics and Transplant Panel Meetings at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital in Perth. He has participated in numerous clinical trials in hepatitis B and C and as a hepatologist is involved in regular professional development sessions in both the primary and tertiary care setting.

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  • Practice name Coastal Gastroenterology
  • Address 75 Wexford Medical Centre, Murdoch, WA
  • Suburb or City Murdoch, WA
  • Practice name South Perth Hospital Endoscopy Unit
  • Address 20 Fortune Street, South Perth, WA
  • Suburb or City South Perth, WA
What is the Dr Sam Galhenage's specialty?
Dr Sam Galhenage is a Gastroenterologist.
What is the address of the Dr Sam Galhenage's practice?
Dr Sam Galhenage works at 75 Wexford Medical Centre, Murdoch, WA
What are the Dr Sam Galhenage's qualifications?

MBBS (UWA), 1996, FRACP, 2005

Dr Sam Galhenage is a gastroenterologist and hepatologist who works at St John of God Murdoch Hospital.

He obtained his primary medical degree from the University of Western Australia in 1996 and completed his basic physician’s training at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital, and his advanced traineeship in gastroenterology under the Western Australian tertiary hospital rotation program. He finished his final year of gastroenterology training at Prince of Wales Hospital in Sydney, New South Wales, before relocating to the USA for 18 months to complete a Fellowship in Hepatology at the renowned Duke University in Durham, North Carolina, focusing on viral hepatitis.

In 2008, Dr Galhenage returned to Australia to work as a Consultant Gastroenterologist at Fremantle Hospital. From 2015 he has worked as the Head of Hepatology and Viral Hepatitis Services at Fiona Stanley Hospital in Murdoch, WA.

Dr Galhenage maintains a strong clinical interest in viral hepatitis and advanced liver disease, and attends the WA Liver Transplant Clinics and Transplant Panel Meetings at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital in Perth. He has participated in numerous clinical trials in hepatitis B and C and as a hepatologist is involved in regular professional development sessions in both the primary and tertiary care setting.


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