Dr Peter Jurcevic is a Obstetrician, Gynaecologist, have practice in Frances Perry House in Parkville, VIC . Dr Peter Jurcevic has 413 views and no reviews. 0 patients voted for medical provider, average rating 0.00 out of 5.


Profile: Dr. Peter Jurcevic is one of the best and highly skilled Obstetrician and Gynaecologists in Melbourne with over 26 years experience overseas and in Australia in obstetric and reproductive health. He has a special interest in high risk pregnancy, pelvic floor repair and incontinence, laparoscopic surgery (particularly in the area of endometriosis treatment and ovarian cancer removal) and natural birthing practices.Dr. Jurcevic has a personalised approach to care and focuses on patient needs and wishes within the context of the safe arrival of their precious babies. He likes to be fully aware of what is happening with patient health at all times by ensuring he is available for all antenatal and gynaecological visits in addition to fielding calls.In addition to providing private services at Frances Perry House, Dr. Jurcevic is Head of Unit in obstetrics at The Royal Women’s Hospital where he is an operative and consultant gynaecologist.Dr. Jurcevic is committed to continuous improvement and is a training supervisor for both medical students and Registrars. He has given over 500 lectures across a range of obstetric and gynaecological topics, and has numerous publications, including peer review papers in medical journals, magazine and newspaper quotations and articles, and has been involved in several television and video broadcasts.Dr. Jurcevic studied medicine at Monash University and graduated with honours in 1993 before taking up a scholarship at Yale Medical School in North America. After graduating he undertook advanced medical training prior to beginning his Fellowship as an Obstetrician and Gynaecologist at The Royal Women’s Hospital, and spent several years training interstate in a Maternal Foetal Medicine Sup-Speciality Programme, as well as advanced laparoscopic surgical training with a particular sub interest in pelvic floor repair surgery.Qualifications:MBBS, FRANZCOGMembership and accreditations:The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RANZCOG - ranzcog.edu.au )Perineal Society of Australia and New ZealandChair of the Frances Perry House Medical Advisory CommitteeLanguages:English

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  • Practice name Frances Perry House
  • Address Level 2, Suite 3, 20 Flemington Road, Parkville, VIC
  • Suburb or City Parkville, VIC
What is the Dr Peter Jurcevic's specialty?
Dr Peter Jurcevic is a Obstetrician, Gynaecologist.
What is the address of the Dr Peter Jurcevic's practice?
Dr Peter Jurcevic works at Level 2, Suite 3, 20 Flemington Road, Parkville, VIC
What are the Dr Peter Jurcevic's qualifications?


Profile: Dr. Peter Jurcevic is one of the best and highly skilled Obstetrician and Gynaecologists in Melbourne with over 26 years experience overseas and in Australia in obstetric and reproductive health. He has a special interest in high risk pregnancy, pelvic floor repair and incontinence, laparoscopic surgery (particularly in the area of endometriosis treatment and ovarian cancer removal) and natural birthing practices.Dr. Jurcevic has a personalised approach to care and focuses on patient needs and wishes within the context of the safe arrival of their precious babies. He likes to be fully aware of what is happening with patient health at all times by ensuring he is available for all antenatal and gynaecological visits in addition to fielding calls.In addition to providing private services at Frances Perry House, Dr. Jurcevic is Head of Unit in obstetrics at The Royal Women’s Hospital where he is an operative and consultant gynaecologist.Dr. Jurcevic is committed to continuous improvement and is a training supervisor for both medical students and Registrars. He has given over 500 lectures across a range of obstetric and gynaecological topics, and has numerous publications, including peer review papers in medical journals, magazine and newspaper quotations and articles, and has been involved in several television and video broadcasts.Dr. Jurcevic studied medicine at Monash University and graduated with honours in 1993 before taking up a scholarship at Yale Medical School in North America. After graduating he undertook advanced medical training prior to beginning his Fellowship as an Obstetrician and Gynaecologist at The Royal Women’s Hospital, and spent several years training interstate in a Maternal Foetal Medicine Sup-Speciality Programme, as well as advanced laparoscopic surgical training with a particular sub interest in pelvic floor repair surgery.Qualifications:MBBS, FRANZCOGMembership and accreditations:The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RANZCOG - ranzcog.edu.au )Perineal Society of Australia and New ZealandChair of the Frances Perry House Medical Advisory CommitteeLanguages:English


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