Dr Mark Doudle is a Surgeon, General Surgeon, Gastroenterologist, Colorectal Surgeon, have practice in Pindara Private Hospital - Gold Coast in Benowa, QLD . Dr Mark Doudle has 244 views and no reviews. 0 patients voted for medical provider, average rating 0.00 out of 5.


Profile: Dr Doudle is a specialist Colorectal Surgeon. He studied medicine in Adelaide and later completed General Surgical training before undertaking two years sub-speciality training in Colorectal Surgery. Dr Doudle and his family settled on the Gold Coast in 2000. His interests include bowel cancer, laparoscopic and minimally invasive surgery, inflammatory bowel disease and incontinence. He regularly performs colonscopy and can offer full anorectal assessment in the management of anorectal disorders including incontinence.Dr Doudle regularly operates at Pindara Private Hospital and is available for emergency care if required. He is committed to quality patient care and audit and is a member of hospital, state and national committees dealing with these issues. Dr Doudle is regularly involved in teaching and in 2015 was appointed an examiner with the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons

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  • Practice name Pindara Private Hospital - Gold Coast
  • Address 29 Carrara Street, Suite 505, Level 5, Pindara Specialist Suites, Benowa, QLD
  • Suburb or City Benowa, QLD
What is the Dr Mark Doudle's specialty?
Dr Mark Doudle is a Surgeon, General Surgeon, Gastroenterologist, Colorectal Surgeon.
What is the address of the Dr Mark Doudle's practice?
Dr Mark Doudle works at 29 Carrara Street, Suite 505, Level 5, Pindara Specialist Suites, Benowa, QLD
What are the Dr Mark Doudle's qualifications?


Profile: Dr Doudle is a specialist Colorectal Surgeon. He studied medicine in Adelaide and later completed General Surgical training before undertaking two years sub-speciality training in Colorectal Surgery. Dr Doudle and his family settled on the Gold Coast in 2000. His interests include bowel cancer, laparoscopic and minimally invasive surgery, inflammatory bowel disease and incontinence. He regularly performs colonscopy and can offer full anorectal assessment in the management of anorectal disorders including incontinence.Dr Doudle regularly operates at Pindara Private Hospital and is available for emergency care if required. He is committed to quality patient care and audit and is a member of hospital, state and national committees dealing with these issues. Dr Doudle is regularly involved in teaching and in 2015 was appointed an examiner with the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons


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