Dr Jenn Ha
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Dr Jenn Ha
Dr Jenn Ha is a Otolaryngologist (ENT), have practice in Murdoch ENT in Murdoch, WA . Dr Jenn Ha has 227 views and no reviews. 0 patients voted for medical provider, average rating 0.00 out of 5.

MBBS (Hons) FRACS, Diploma of Surgical Anatomy

Jennifer Ha completed her medical degree at UWA with Honours and her Otolaryngology training in Perth. She gained further specialist training in Paediatric Otolaryngology at the CS Mott Children’s Hospital in Ann Arbor Michigan, USA. Her special interest was paediatric airway surgery with research into the use of 3D reconstruction of the airway.

Since her return to Perth, she has been participating in Otolaryngology outreach clinics with the EarBus Foundation. She has also recently been appointed as Visiting Consultant at Princess Margaret Hospital. She also has a zeal for research and has already published 37 peer-reviewed articles. Jennifer has presented at various national and international conferences, winning the first place poster prize at ASPO 2011, as well as numerous other awards.

She is a passionate teacher, having taught medical students, junior medical and allied health staff and led Anatomy sessions at UWA since she was a medical student.

She holds appointment as a Paediatric ENT Consultant at Perth Children's Hospital. She also has a zeal for research and has already published 53 peer-reviewed articles.

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  • Practice name Murdoch ENT
  • Address 3 Barry Marshall Parade, Murdoch, WA
  • Suburb or City Murdoch, WA
What is the Dr Jenn Ha's specialty?
Dr Jenn Ha is a Otolaryngologist (ENT).
What is the address of the Dr Jenn Ha's practice?
Dr Jenn Ha works at 3 Barry Marshall Parade, Murdoch, WA
What are the Dr Jenn Ha's qualifications?

MBBS (Hons) FRACS, Diploma of Surgical Anatomy

Jennifer Ha completed her medical degree at UWA with Honours and her Otolaryngology training in Perth. She gained further specialist training in Paediatric Otolaryngology at the CS Mott Children’s Hospital in Ann Arbor Michigan, USA. Her special interest was paediatric airway surgery with research into the use of 3D reconstruction of the airway.

Since her return to Perth, she has been participating in Otolaryngology outreach clinics with the EarBus Foundation. She has also recently been appointed as Visiting Consultant at Princess Margaret Hospital. She also has a zeal for research and has already published 37 peer-reviewed articles. Jennifer has presented at various national and international conferences, winning the first place poster prize at ASPO 2011, as well as numerous other awards.

She is a passionate teacher, having taught medical students, junior medical and allied health staff and led Anatomy sessions at UWA since she was a medical student.

She holds appointment as a Paediatric ENT Consultant at Perth Children's Hospital. She also has a zeal for research and has already published 53 peer-reviewed articles.


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