Dr Jaspreet Singh
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Dr Jaspreet Singh
Dr Jaspreet Singh is a Psychiatrist, have practice in St John of God Medical Centre in Richmond, VIC and The Hills Private Hospital in Bella Vista, NSW. Dr Jaspreet Singh has 275 views and no reviews. 0 patients voted for medical provider, average rating 0.00 out of 5.


Dr Jaspreet Singh is a Consultant Psychiatrist with experience in treating diverse conditions primarily in adult psychiatry. Having worked in acute inpatient units and the community, he has been in close contact with GPs in managing patients in the community. He believes in comprehensive psychosocial assessment and management of patients with mental health issues.

His areas of interest include affective as well as psychotic disorders in particular complicated presentations of Bipolar disorder, PTSD as well as dual diagnosis presentations.

He also has experience an interest in cross cultural psychiatry and is fluent in Hindi, Punjabi and other North Indian dialects in addition to English.

Dr Singh is also experienced in preparing medico-legal reports for patients and WorkCover related consultations.

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  • Practice name St John of God Medical Centre
  • Address 177 Grose Vale Road, Richmond, VIC
  • Suburb or City Richmond, VIC
  • Practice name The Hills Private Hospital
  • Address 10 Norbrik Drive, Bella Vista, NSW
  • Suburb or City Bella Vista, NSW
What is the Dr Jaspreet Singh's specialty?
Dr Jaspreet Singh is a Psychiatrist.
What is the address of the Dr Jaspreet Singh's practice?
Dr Jaspreet Singh works at 177 Grose Vale Road, Richmond, VIC
What are the Dr Jaspreet Singh's qualifications?


Dr Jaspreet Singh is a Consultant Psychiatrist with experience in treating diverse conditions primarily in adult psychiatry. Having worked in acute inpatient units and the community, he has been in close contact with GPs in managing patients in the community. He believes in comprehensive psychosocial assessment and management of patients with mental health issues.

His areas of interest include affective as well as psychotic disorders in particular complicated presentations of Bipolar disorder, PTSD as well as dual diagnosis presentations.

He also has experience an interest in cross cultural psychiatry and is fluent in Hindi, Punjabi and other North Indian dialects in addition to English.

Dr Singh is also experienced in preparing medico-legal reports for patients and WorkCover related consultations.


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