Dr Julian Hughes
1.0 rating
Dr Julian Hughes
Dr Julian Hughes is a Psychiatrist, have practice in The Melbourne Clinic in Richmond, VIC . Dr Julian Hughes has 588 views and 1 review. .

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  • Practice name The Melbourne Clinic
  • Address 140 Church Street, Richmond, VIC
  • Suburb or City Richmond, VIC
What is the Dr Julian Hughes's specialty?
Dr Julian Hughes is a Psychiatrist.
What is the address of the Dr Julian Hughes's practice?
Dr Julian Hughes works at 140 Church Street, Richmond, VIC

One thought on “Dr Julian Hughes”

    michelle Fielden

    Punctuality - No
    Detail-oriented - No
    Professionalism - No
    Polite and caring - No
    Discrimination - Yes
    Quality medical care - No
    Professional team - No
    Recommend - No
    I find the page useful - Yes

    Dr Julian Hughes is an absolute disgrace to the field of psychiatry. His main concern is not for his patients mental health but how much money he can earn from them. He has no personality whatsoever and shows an obvious dis concern towards his patients. He creates more trauma in his patients then he ever does to promote positive mental health. If there’s no quick fix available he’s not interested in being your dr. Overall I found him very disappointing and extremely unhelpful to work with. He completely invalidated my concerns and treated me with contempt. Do yourself a favour don’t waste your money on this dr look for another one who actually helps their patients to recover and isn’t just in it for the money because you won’t get any positive outcomes with this one. He really needs to stop practicing and just retire. Leave the real psychiatry to the drs who actually have empathy and compassion for their patients and show real concern, respect and passion for mental health.

    1.0 rating


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