Dr Ian Chan is a Ophthalmologist, Eye Specialist, have practice in Aculase Laser Eye Clinic in Nedlands, WA . Dr Ian Chan has 299 views and no reviews. 0 patients voted for medical provider, average rating 0.00 out of 5.


Dr Ian Chan is a local Perth graduate from the University of Western Australia with a Bachelor of Medicine and a Bachelor of Surgery. With a keen interest in refractive surgery, he completed a dual fellowship-training in Cornea, Cataract and Laser Refractive Surgery. He received his laser refractive surgery fellowship training at the prestigious Moorfields Eye Hospital in London.

Dr Chan has been performing refractive eye surgery since 2007 and is one of Perth's most experienced and highly qualified refractive surgeons. He has a particular interest in correcting abnormal eyes using refractive surgery techniques, which requires more advanced expertise with the lasers compared to standard refractive surgery. He is the first and only surgeon in Perth to perform SMILE laser eye surgery since 2015. He operates and consults at St John of God Subiaco Hospital.

Dr Chan is the first surgeon in Perth to use topographic guided laser treatment on Keratoconus. He also uses laser treatments on many patients with corneal scars and patients with corneal transplants. He is one of the first surgeons in Perth to perform corneal transplantation with partial thickness cornal graft created with laser. He has implanted more Keraring implants using the Zeiss Visumax laser than any other surgeon in Australia. Dr Chan has also introduced minimally invasive iontophoresis corneal cross-linking for treatment of keratoconus to Perth. He has spoken locally and internationally on SMILE eye surgery and laser treatment on abnormal cornea at conferences.

Dr Chan has sub-specialty interests in:
- Ophthalmology
- Refractive surgery
- Cataracts

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  • Practice name Aculase Laser Eye Clinic
  • Address 33 Stirling Highway, Nedlands, WA
  • Suburb or City Nedlands, WA
What is the Dr Ian Chan's specialty?
Dr Ian Chan is a Ophthalmologist, Eye Specialist.
What is the address of the Dr Ian Chan's practice?
Dr Ian Chan works at 33 Stirling Highway, Nedlands, WA
What are the Dr Ian Chan's qualifications?


Dr Ian Chan is a local Perth graduate from the University of Western Australia with a Bachelor of Medicine and a Bachelor of Surgery. With a keen interest in refractive surgery, he completed a dual fellowship-training in Cornea, Cataract and Laser Refractive Surgery. He received his laser refractive surgery fellowship training at the prestigious Moorfields Eye Hospital in London.

Dr Chan has been performing refractive eye surgery since 2007 and is one of Perth's most experienced and highly qualified refractive surgeons. He has a particular interest in correcting abnormal eyes using refractive surgery techniques, which requires more advanced expertise with the lasers compared to standard refractive surgery. He is the first and only surgeon in Perth to perform SMILE laser eye surgery since 2015. He operates and consults at St John of God Subiaco Hospital.

Dr Chan is the first surgeon in Perth to use topographic guided laser treatment on Keratoconus. He also uses laser treatments on many patients with corneal scars and patients with corneal transplants. He is one of the first surgeons in Perth to perform corneal transplantation with partial thickness cornal graft created with laser. He has implanted more Keraring implants using the Zeiss Visumax laser than any other surgeon in Australia. Dr Chan has also introduced minimally invasive iontophoresis corneal cross-linking for treatment of keratoconus to Perth. He has spoken locally and internationally on SMILE eye surgery and laser treatment on abnormal cornea at conferences.

Dr Chan has sub-specialty interests in:
- Ophthalmology
- Refractive surgery
- Cataracts


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