Dr Gothami Madadeniya
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Dr Gothami Madadeniya
Dr Gothami Madadeniya is a Psychiatrist, have practice in Abbotsford Psychiatry in West Leederville, WA . Dr Gothami Madadeniya has 248 views and no reviews. 0 patients voted for medical provider, average rating 0.00 out of 5.


Dr Gothami Madadeniya is a Consultant Psychiatrist with an interest in General Adult Psychiatry, Depression, Anxiety, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Mood Disorders, Psychosis, ADHD, Transcultural Psychiatry and Psychotic Illnesses. Dr Madadeniya offers a multidisciplinary approach to treatment with a special interest in holistic, patient centred care. With a focus on the psychotherapeutic and pharmacological aspects of mental health, she believes in working collaboratively with patients, and their families and carers. Dr Madadeniya graduated and obtained her specialist qualifications (MBBS MD(Psych)) in Sri Lanka and in 2008 relocated to Melbourne. She obtained her Fellowship of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists (RANZCP) in 2011 while working for Melbourne Health, the second largest public health service in Victoria. In 2012 Dr Madadeniya relocated to Perth, and along with her private practice at Abbotsford Psychiatry she continues to work in acute settings within the public sector. Dr Madadeniya speaks fluent Sinhalese and English. She offers consultations in both languages.

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  • Practice name Abbotsford Psychiatry
  • Address 22 Southport Street, West Leederville, WA
  • Suburb or City West Leederville, WA
What is the Dr Gothami Madadeniya's specialty?
Dr Gothami Madadeniya is a Psychiatrist.
What is the address of the Dr Gothami Madadeniya's practice?
Dr Gothami Madadeniya works at 22 Southport Street, West Leederville, WA
What are the Dr Gothami Madadeniya's qualifications?


Dr Gothami Madadeniya is a Consultant Psychiatrist with an interest in General Adult Psychiatry, Depression, Anxiety, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Mood Disorders, Psychosis, ADHD, Transcultural Psychiatry and Psychotic Illnesses. Dr Madadeniya offers a multidisciplinary approach to treatment with a special interest in holistic, patient centred care. With a focus on the psychotherapeutic and pharmacological aspects of mental health, she believes in working collaboratively with patients, and their families and carers. Dr Madadeniya graduated and obtained her specialist qualifications (MBBS MD(Psych)) in Sri Lanka and in 2008 relocated to Melbourne. She obtained her Fellowship of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists (RANZCP) in 2011 while working for Melbourne Health, the second largest public health service in Victoria. In 2012 Dr Madadeniya relocated to Perth, and along with her private practice at Abbotsford Psychiatry she continues to work in acute settings within the public sector. Dr Madadeniya speaks fluent Sinhalese and English. She offers consultations in both languages.


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