Dr Gavin Clark
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Dr Gavin Clark
Dr Gavin Clark is a Orthopaedic Surgeon, have practice in St John of God Health Care in Midland, WA in Subiaco, WA. Dr Gavin Clark has 137 views and no reviews. 0 patients voted for medical provider, average rating 0.00 out of 5.

Mr Gavin Clark is an experienced hip and knee surgeon. He has sub-specialist training in joint replacement surgery and arthroscopic sports surgery of the lower limb.

Mr Clark is committed to accurately assessing your condition, providing an easy to understand explanation of your options, as well as providing exceptional quality surgical treatment.

As Head of Department in Orthopaedics at St John of God Midland Public and Private Hospitals, he has made a commitment to enhancing the orthopaedic care of Perth community.

Mr Clark is active in the field of research and training. He is currently enrolled at the University of Western Australia, undertaking a PhD looking at ways of improving outcomes in knee replacement surgery.

Medical Education is another important focus with Mr Clark providing regular lectures to medical students, nurses, junior medical staff and general practitioners. Mr Clark is one of the first surgeons in Western Australia to perform a robotic hip replacement and now offers this procedure to his patients.

Mr Clark treats both public and private patients at St John of God Midland Public and Private Hospitals.

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  • Practice name St John of God Health Care
  • Address 1 Clayton Street, Midland, WA
  • Suburb or City Midland, WA
  • Practice name
  • Address 1 Wexford Street, Subiaco, WA
  • Suburb or City Subiaco, WA
What is the Dr Gavin Clark's specialty?
Dr Gavin Clark is a Orthopaedic Surgeon.
What is the address of the Dr Gavin Clark's practice?
Dr Gavin Clark works at 1 Clayton Street, Midland, WA
What are the Dr Gavin Clark's qualifications?

Mr Gavin Clark is an experienced hip and knee surgeon. He has sub-specialist training in joint replacement surgery and arthroscopic sports surgery of the lower limb.

Mr Clark is committed to accurately assessing your condition, providing an easy to understand explanation of your options, as well as providing exceptional quality surgical treatment.

As Head of Department in Orthopaedics at St John of God Midland Public and Private Hospitals, he has made a commitment to enhancing the orthopaedic care of Perth community.

Mr Clark is active in the field of research and training. He is currently enrolled at the University of Western Australia, undertaking a PhD looking at ways of improving outcomes in knee replacement surgery.

Medical Education is another important focus with Mr Clark providing regular lectures to medical students, nurses, junior medical staff and general practitioners. Mr Clark is one of the first surgeons in Western Australia to perform a robotic hip replacement and now offers this procedure to his patients.

Mr Clark treats both public and private patients at St John of God Midland Public and Private Hospitals.


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