Dr Wen-Yi Chew-Lai is a Paediatrician, Psychologist, have practice in The Wesley Hospital in Auchenflower, QLD . Dr Wen-Yi Chew-Lai has 363 views and 1 review. 2 patients voted for medical provider, average rating 3.50 out of 5.


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  • Practice name The Wesley Hospital
  • Address 451 Coronation Drive, Auchenflower, QLD
  • Suburb or City Auchenflower, QLD
What is the Dr Wen-Yi Chew-Lai's specialty?
Dr Wen-Yi Chew-Lai is a Paediatrician, Psychologist.
What is the address of the Dr Wen-Yi Chew-Lai's practice?
Dr Wen-Yi Chew-Lai works at 451 Coronation Drive, Auchenflower, QLD
What are the Dr Wen-Yi Chew-Lai's qualifications?



One thought on “Dr Wen-Yi Chew-Lai”

    Kelly McAllan


    My son who suffers from ADHD was let down with her limited help and prescribing.
    We spent 3 yrs under her care and following her medication instructions with very little benefit. In the end she discharged us because I wanted my son to try medications that other prescribers gave ADHD children. From then on I had a huge battle trying to get an other Dr because she wouldn’t give a clinical handover.
    Where is the Duty of Care??

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