Dr Swapna Devadula
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Dr Swapna Devadula
Dr Swapna Devadula is a Rheumatologist, General practitioner, GP, have practice in Caboolture Private Hospital in Caboolture, QLD and Specialists at North Lakes in North Lakes, QLD. Dr Swapna Devadula has 495 views and no reviews. 0 patients voted for medical provider, average rating 0.00 out of 5.


Profile: Dr Devadula is a Rheumatologist practising at Caboolture PrivateHospital, Caboolture Hospital and North Lakes Specialist MedicalCentre. After graduating from medical school in 2004, she has gainedmedical experience in the United Kingdom prior to obtaining fellowshipwith the Royal Australasian College of Physicians in 2016 as a specialistGeneral Physician and in 2017 as a specialist Rheumatologist.Swapna is interested in all aspects of rheumatology and providesholistic care through all age groups of patients including young adultstransitioning to adulthood as well as women of child bearing age.Swapna understands the unmet need for healthcare access to regionalAustralians within the field of rheumatology and also consults regularlyvia telehealth/videoconferencing.Swapna is affiliated to the University of Queensland as an AssociateLecturer and actively contributes to teaching and examining medicalstudents. She is a representative and a versatile member of women inthe Rheumatology Network Queensland and participates in continuingclinical research in tele-rheumatology with Arthritis Queensland, a notfor profit organization that advocates for patients living with arthritis

Special interests: All aspects of rheumatology

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  • Practice name Caboolture Private Hospital
  • Address Caboolture Private Hospital, Consulting Rooms, 87 McKean Street, Caboolture, QLD
  • Suburb or City Caboolture, QLD
  • Practice name Specialists at North Lakes
  • Address Specialists at North Lakes, Suite no. 309, 6 North Lakes Drive, North Lakes QLD 4509
  • Suburb or City North Lakes, QLD
What is the Dr Swapna Devadula's specialty?
Dr Swapna Devadula is a Rheumatologist, General practitioner, GP.
What is the address of the Dr Swapna Devadula's practice?
Dr Swapna Devadula works at Caboolture Private Hospital, Consulting Rooms, 87 McKean Street, Caboolture, QLD
What are the Dr Swapna Devadula's qualifications?


Profile: Dr Devadula is a Rheumatologist practising at Caboolture PrivateHospital, Caboolture Hospital and North Lakes Specialist MedicalCentre. After graduating from medical school in 2004, she has gainedmedical experience in the United Kingdom prior to obtaining fellowshipwith the Royal Australasian College of Physicians in 2016 as a specialistGeneral Physician and in 2017 as a specialist Rheumatologist.Swapna is interested in all aspects of rheumatology and providesholistic care through all age groups of patients including young adultstransitioning to adulthood as well as women of child bearing age.Swapna understands the unmet need for healthcare access to regionalAustralians within the field of rheumatology and also consults regularlyvia telehealth/videoconferencing.Swapna is affiliated to the University of Queensland as an AssociateLecturer and actively contributes to teaching and examining medicalstudents. She is a representative and a versatile member of women inthe Rheumatology Network Queensland and participates in continuingclinical research in tele-rheumatology with Arthritis Queensland, a notfor profit organization that advocates for patients living with arthritis

Special interests: All aspects of rheumatology


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