Dr Sujatha Kawryshanker is a General Physician, Geriatrician (Aged Care Specialist), have practice in Hollywood Private Hospital in Nedlands, WA and Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital in Nedlands, WA. Dr Sujatha Kawryshanker has 742 views and no reviews. 1 patients voted for medical provider, average rating 4.00 out of 5.
  • Phone 0864005177
  • Fax 0864005178
  • E-mail reception@wisemed.com.au

MBBS MD (MEDICINE) MRCP(UK) FRACP Specialist Geriatrician

Education and training: Outpatient Clinical Practice – Hollywood Medical Centre Dr Kawryshanker's practice is focused on all facets of health including perioperative care, reconditioning and rehabilitation of patients in relation to surgery, falls, or medical illness, with emphasis on improving function, independence and quality of life. She can assist with diagnosis and treatment of a full spectrum of complex illnesses in both young and mature adults, and specialises in treating patients with multiple comorbidities. Her practice encompasses a broad range of general medical issues, for both inpatients and outpatients, including management of blood pressure and cardiovascular risk factors. She has expertise in complex medical conditions, polypharmacy, and osteoporosis. Inpatient Services – Hollywood Private Hospital Dr Kawryshanker facilitates comprehensive multidisciplinary care for patients at Hollywood Private Hospital and sees patients after planned surgery. She assists other specialists in ensuring all aspects of their patients'care are taken into consideration. Background & Training Dr Kawryshanker is a specialist Physician and Geriatrician. She holds the Fellowship of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians (FRACP). Her advanced training was completed at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital and Osborne Park Hospital in Western Australia.

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  • Practice name Hollywood Private Hospital
  • Address Monash Avenue, Nedlands, WA
  • Suburb or City Nedlands, WA
  • Practice name Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital
  • Address 56/85 Monash Avenue, Nedlands, WA
  • Suburb or City Nedlands, WA
What is the Dr Sujatha Kawryshanker's specialty?
Dr Sujatha Kawryshanker is a General Physician, Geriatrician (Aged Care Specialist).
What is the address of the Dr Sujatha Kawryshanker's practice?
Dr Sujatha Kawryshanker works at Monash Avenue, Nedlands, WA
What is Dr Sujatha Kawryshanker's email address?
Dr Sujatha Kawryshanker's work email is reception@wisemed.com.au
What is Dr Sujatha Kawryshanker's work phone number?
Dr Sujatha Kawryshanker's work phone number is 0864005177
What are the Dr Sujatha Kawryshanker's qualifications?

MBBS MD (MEDICINE) MRCP(UK) FRACP Specialist Geriatrician

Education and training: Outpatient Clinical Practice – Hollywood Medical Centre Dr Kawryshanker's practice is focused on all facets of health including perioperative care, reconditioning and rehabilitation of patients in relation to surgery, falls, or medical illness, with emphasis on improving function, independence and quality of life. She can assist with diagnosis and treatment of a full spectrum of complex illnesses in both young and mature adults, and specialises in treating patients with multiple comorbidities. Her practice encompasses a broad range of general medical issues, for both inpatients and outpatients, including management of blood pressure and cardiovascular risk factors. She has expertise in complex medical conditions, polypharmacy, and osteoporosis. Inpatient Services – Hollywood Private Hospital Dr Kawryshanker facilitates comprehensive multidisciplinary care for patients at Hollywood Private Hospital and sees patients after planned surgery. She assists other specialists in ensuring all aspects of their patients'care are taken into consideration. Background & Training Dr Kawryshanker is a specialist Physician and Geriatrician. She holds the Fellowship of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians (FRACP). Her advanced training was completed at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital and Osborne Park Hospital in Western Australia.


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