Dr Simon Stilgoe
8 votes, average: 3.88 out of 58 votes, average: 3.88 out of 58 votes, average: 3.88 out of 58 votes, average: 3.88 out of 58 votes, average: 3.88 out of 5 (8)
Dr Simon Stilgoe
Dr Simon Stilgoe is a General practitioner, GP, have practice in 188Medical in Arundel, QLD . Dr Simon Stilgoe has 2,231 views and 14 reviews. 8 patients voted for medical provider, average rating 3.88 out of 5.

Dr Simon was born in England and immigrated to Rhodesia with his parents at a young age. He graduated Medicine in 1980, the year Rhodesia became Zimbabwe. He left Zimbabwe in 2002 and went to Abu Dhabi in the Middle East, before permanently moving to Australia in 2008. He has worked in a rural General Practice in South Australia for the past eleven years, before making a final move to live and work on the Gold Coast in 2019. Having lived and worked on three continents, Dr Stilgoe brings a wide range of experience to 188 Medical in all aspects of General Practice. Dr Stilgoe is Accredited Skin Cancer Doctor, he holds Master of Medicine Degree in Skin Cancer Management, which was awarded in 2013.

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  • Practice name 188Medical
  • Address 188 Brisbane Road, Arundel, QLD 4214
  • Suburb or City Arundel, QLD
What is the Dr Simon Stilgoe's specialty?
Dr Simon Stilgoe is a General practitioner, GP.
What is the address of the Dr Simon Stilgoe's practice?
Dr Simon Stilgoe works at 188 Brisbane Road, Arundel, QLD 4214
What are the Dr Simon Stilgoe's qualifications?

Dr Simon was born in England and immigrated to Rhodesia with his parents at a young age. He graduated Medicine in 1980, the year Rhodesia became Zimbabwe. He left Zimbabwe in 2002 and went to Abu Dhabi in the Middle East, before permanently moving to Australia in 2008. He has worked in a rural General Practice in South Australia for the past eleven years, before making a final move to live and work on the Gold Coast in 2019. Having lived and worked on three continents, Dr Stilgoe brings a wide range of experience to 188 Medical in all aspects of General Practice. Dr Stilgoe is Accredited Skin Cancer Doctor, he holds Master of Medicine Degree in Skin Cancer Management, which was awarded in 2013.


14 thoughts on “Dr Simon Stilgoe”

    David Benge


    Just read Dr Stilgoe’s BRILLIANT LETTER of resignation to Qld Min Health, Dec 2021. We need MORE DOCTORS LIKE YOU who are prepared to examine the evidence and have the courage to speak out! Thank you, Sir!




    Sounds like another ranting antivaxer.


    Hans Geiger


    Thank you for everything you did for anybody,I read your letter.
    As the news for a vaccine came early with this ‘pandemic’, my wife and
    I we asked the Lord about this and He gave us a clear NO. That’s it for us.


    Al Quinn


    There are so many more experienced doctors who would be speaking out if they were closer to retirement age. Thank you for your service to humanity and for staying true to your medical ethical oaths. You will surely be ridiculed for speaking your beliefs but it’s true to say that science is about questioning not about just accepting without investigation.


    Rod Smith


    Thank you Dr Stilgoe for speaking the truth
    You are a breath of fresh air in a dark and deceitful world


    Victor Jackson


    This is a Doctor of great standing and guts to speak out with absolute sense and responsibility. It is a pity our Queensland politicians were not gifted with the same intestinal fortitude. It is a shame that we see another very worthy and valuable member of our professional society be lost to political, power hungry “Untouchables”. But their time will also come when they are forced on the scrap heap. At least Dr Simon Stilgoe is still in control of his own valuable destiny.Congratulations Doctor and enjoy the rest of your life.


    Brisbane Scientist


    Thank you Doctor for your letter.
    Thanks for standing up against this tyranny that is being forced upon us.
    There is more to all this than ‘just a virus’. If people haven’t woken up to that then there is something wrong with them.
    I actually know quite a few people who have suffered and died from the vaxx but not a single person who has died from the flu – oh sorry – I meant COVID.
    I actually had COVID myself – and it was just like the common flu – so I can speak from personal experience.
    I walk through shops with no mask.
    I refuse to stand on those stickers.
    I refuse to have the death jab inserted into my body.
    I walk into shops that demand to show your vax cards.
    Everyone must UNITE and say NO to all this utter BS!!
    Never acquiesce!!!!! NEVER!!!!




    All credit to you Dr. Stilgoe, what a gutsy decision you have made. Regardless of whether you were about to retire or not…you have made a stand, and for that, I thank you. I only wish other Dr’s would have the guts to stand up for what is morally and ethically right. Your letter has summarized all the ‘non-issues’ clearly and succinctly, let’s hope the truth will soon be revealed!!!




    Your excellent letter dear doctor, gives hope to people like myself, who have lost trust in the medical profession. Thank you for speaking out. I hope your gagged colleagues are deeply ashamed.
    Wishing you all the best!


    Patrick Leonce Kealy


    I am emboldened by this letter you wrote Dr Stilgoe. Other doctors should do the same and give this Communist Government something to think about while they await the Nuremberg II trials which are coming their way. I hope so soon before I die because I want to see them hang.


    Marilyn Dey


    You are a beacon of hope in these very “oppressive” times. Very well written letter – thank you. We need more medical professionals to follow your example.


    Sue clark


    An anti-vac doctor spreading misinformation on Facebook – glad he is unable to work as a doctor now. Shame on him for abusing his title to confuse the public.


    Hayley Smith


    Doesn’t deserve to practice medicine if he doesn’t believe in science. Glad he is now retired and gone. Good riddance of this anti-vaxxer.


    Graham Young


    Great letter. I would like to republish it, if you are still able to read these reviews. I noted the comments from some others about science. Interesting how those who couldn’t tell you the difference between a virus and a bacterium fancy they know what science is.


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