Dr Sie Wong (Stephen) Loi
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Dr Sie Wong (Stephen) Loi
Dr Sie Wong Loi is a Geriatrician (Aged Care Specialist), have practice in Waverley Private Hospital in Box Hill, VIC . Dr Sie Wong (Stephen) Loi has 219 views and no reviews. 0 patients voted for medical provider, average rating 0.00 out of 5.

MBBS (Monash), FRACP, Clin Dip Pall med.

Profile: We are pleased to introduce you to Dr Sie Wuong (Stephen) Loi, Consultant Geriatrician and Physician who has commenced consulting at Waverley Private Hospital and is available to see patients who are 65 years and over.Stephen completed his specialist training with Eastern Health in 2012 and then undertook 6 months of diploma training in palliative care medicine prior to commencing as a consultant geriatrician.Stephen is also available to visit residential care facilities, should you require any advice.

Special interests: Comprehensive geriatric assessment (over 65 years);Memory assessment;Fall and balance assessment;Polypharmacy;

LANGUAGESCantonese, Malay, Mandarin

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  • Practice name Waverley Private Hospital
  • Address Elite Geriatric Care, Suite 302, 116-118 Thames Street, Box Hill, VIC
  • Suburb or City Box Hill, VIC
What is the Dr Sie Wong (Stephen) Loi's specialty?
Dr Sie Wong (Stephen) Loi is a Geriatrician (Aged Care Specialist).
What is the address of the Dr Sie Wong (Stephen) Loi's practice?
Dr Sie Wong (Stephen) Loi works at Elite Geriatric Care, Suite 302, 116-118 Thames Street, Box Hill, VIC
What are the Dr Sie Wong (Stephen) Loi's qualifications?

MBBS (Monash), FRACP, Clin Dip Pall med.

Profile: We are pleased to introduce you to Dr Sie Wuong (Stephen) Loi, Consultant Geriatrician and Physician who has commenced consulting at Waverley Private Hospital and is available to see patients who are 65 years and over.Stephen completed his specialist training with Eastern Health in 2012 and then undertook 6 months of diploma training in palliative care medicine prior to commencing as a consultant geriatrician.Stephen is also available to visit residential care facilities, should you require any advice.

Special interests: Comprehensive geriatric assessment (over 65 years);Memory assessment;Fall and balance assessment;Polypharmacy;

LANGUAGESCantonese, Malay, Mandarin


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