Dr Shirantha Adikari
1 vote, average: 5.00 out of 51 vote, average: 5.00 out of 51 vote, average: 5.00 out of 51 vote, average: 5.00 out of 51 vote, average: 5.00 out of 5 (1)
Dr Shirantha Adikari
Dr Shirantha Adikari is a Rehabilitation Physician, have practice in Cairns Private Hospital in Cairns, QLD . Dr Shirantha Adikari has 273 views and no reviews. 1 patients voted for medical provider, average rating 5.00 out of 5.


Profile: Ramsay Cairns is pleased to introduce Dr Shirantha Adikari our new Geriatrician. Shirantha completed his medical training in Sri Lanka in 1996, and then his postgraduate training, becoming a specialist physician in General medicine in 2005 and has since worked in a number of hospitals in Sri Lanka, New Zealand and Australia.In 2005, he moved to New Zealand with his family and undertook clinical research in Diabetes and Metabolism and gained additional experience in General Medicine working until 2008 at the Middlemore Hospital in Auckland. In early 2010, he moved to Australia and undertook advanced training in Clinical Pharmacology at the Prince of Wales Hospital in Sydney, before moving to Adelaide in 2011 to pursue his interest in Geriatric medicine.In Adelaide, Shirantha completed his advanced training in Geriatric Medicine (2013) moving to Cairns shortly after. In 2014, he joined the Cairns and Hinterland Hospital and Health Service as a staff specialist in Geriatric Medicine. He also provides an outreach services to Innisfail, Atherton and Mareeba hospitals. He has a special interest in Geriatric Pharmacology, Dementia & Delirium and Orthogeriatric Care.Outside of work, Shirantha enjoys travelling, reading and spending time with his family and is finding the relaxed atmosphere of Tropical North Queensland to his liking.

Special interests: Orthogeriatrican, General Rehabilitation

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  • Practice name Cairns Private Hospital
  • Address Cairns Private Hospital , 1 Upward Street , Cairns , QLD, 4870
  • Suburb or City Cairns, QLD
What is the Dr Shirantha Adikari's specialty?
Dr Shirantha Adikari is a Rehabilitation Physician.
What is the address of the Dr Shirantha Adikari's practice?
Dr Shirantha Adikari works at Cairns Private Hospital , 1 Upward Street , Cairns , QLD, 4870
What are the Dr Shirantha Adikari's qualifications?


Profile: Ramsay Cairns is pleased to introduce Dr Shirantha Adikari our new Geriatrician. Shirantha completed his medical training in Sri Lanka in 1996, and then his postgraduate training, becoming a specialist physician in General medicine in 2005 and has since worked in a number of hospitals in Sri Lanka, New Zealand and Australia.In 2005, he moved to New Zealand with his family and undertook clinical research in Diabetes and Metabolism and gained additional experience in General Medicine working until 2008 at the Middlemore Hospital in Auckland. In early 2010, he moved to Australia and undertook advanced training in Clinical Pharmacology at the Prince of Wales Hospital in Sydney, before moving to Adelaide in 2011 to pursue his interest in Geriatric medicine.In Adelaide, Shirantha completed his advanced training in Geriatric Medicine (2013) moving to Cairns shortly after. In 2014, he joined the Cairns and Hinterland Hospital and Health Service as a staff specialist in Geriatric Medicine. He also provides an outreach services to Innisfail, Atherton and Mareeba hospitals. He has a special interest in Geriatric Pharmacology, Dementia & Delirium and Orthogeriatric Care.Outside of work, Shirantha enjoys travelling, reading and spending time with his family and is finding the relaxed atmosphere of Tropical North Queensland to his liking.

Special interests: Orthogeriatrican, General Rehabilitation


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