Dr Shanel Sharma is a Ophthalmologist, Eye Specialist, Paediatrician, have practice in Kareena Private Hospital in Miranda, NSW and Eye & Laser Surgeons in Bondi Junction, NSW. Dr Shanel Sharma has 290 views and no reviews. 0 patients voted for medical provider, average rating 0.00 out of 5.


Profile: Dr Shanel Sharma has Special interests: in cataract surgery, Medical Retina, Paediatrics, Strabismus and Botox for clinical therapy.Dr Sharma trained in ophthalmology at Prince of Wales Hospital before becoming the Professorial Senior Registrar at Sydney Eye Hospital. Dr Sharma has undertaken Postgraduate fellowships in Strabismus at the Western Eye Hospital in London, as well as a Paediatric and Strabismus Fellowship at Moorfields Eye Hospital in London, the largest specialist Eye hospital in Europe. Dr Sharma also undertook medical retina clinics including performing intravitreal injections at Moorfields Eye Hospital. Dr Sharma has been a consultant at Sydney Eye Hospital and at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital.Dr Sharma is trained and accredited to treat patients with Botulinum Toxin for ophthalmic conditions such as squints, hemifacial spasm, and blepharospasm. Dr Sharma is also accredited as a Designated Aviation Ophthalmologist.Dr Sharma has published over 20 scientific papers in peer-reviewed medical journals. She has been a Conjoint Lecturer at the University of New South Wales since 2003, and was appointed as a Conjoint Lecturer at the University of Sydney in 2006. Shanel is a Conjoint Senior Lecturer at the University of Wollongong.Dr Sharma is currently serving as part of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists Examining Committee for the Part 1 College Exams. Is also on the Public Health Committee.She has presented at numerous scientific meetings in Australia and abroad.

Special interests: Cataract Surgery, Botox, Paediatrics & Strabismus, Medical Retina & Glaucoma, General Ophthalmology.

LANGUAGESEnglish Gb, Hindi

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  • Practice name Kareena Private Hospital
  • Address Suite 1, 32-36 Urunga Parade, Miranda, NSW
  • Suburb or City Miranda, NSW
  • Practice name Eye & Laser Surgeons
  • Address Level 2, 35 Spring Street, Bondi Junction, NSW, 2022
  • Suburb or City Bondi Junction, NSW
What is the Dr Shanel Sharma's specialty?
Dr Shanel Sharma is a Ophthalmologist, Eye Specialist, Paediatrician.
What is the address of the Dr Shanel Sharma's practice?
Dr Shanel Sharma works at Suite 1, 32-36 Urunga Parade, Miranda, NSW
What are the Dr Shanel Sharma's qualifications?


Profile: Dr Shanel Sharma has Special interests: in cataract surgery, Medical Retina, Paediatrics, Strabismus and Botox for clinical therapy.Dr Sharma trained in ophthalmology at Prince of Wales Hospital before becoming the Professorial Senior Registrar at Sydney Eye Hospital. Dr Sharma has undertaken Postgraduate fellowships in Strabismus at the Western Eye Hospital in London, as well as a Paediatric and Strabismus Fellowship at Moorfields Eye Hospital in London, the largest specialist Eye hospital in Europe. Dr Sharma also undertook medical retina clinics including performing intravitreal injections at Moorfields Eye Hospital. Dr Sharma has been a consultant at Sydney Eye Hospital and at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital.Dr Sharma is trained and accredited to treat patients with Botulinum Toxin for ophthalmic conditions such as squints, hemifacial spasm, and blepharospasm. Dr Sharma is also accredited as a Designated Aviation Ophthalmologist.Dr Sharma has published over 20 scientific papers in peer-reviewed medical journals. She has been a Conjoint Lecturer at the University of New South Wales since 2003, and was appointed as a Conjoint Lecturer at the University of Sydney in 2006. Shanel is a Conjoint Senior Lecturer at the University of Wollongong.Dr Sharma is currently serving as part of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists Examining Committee for the Part 1 College Exams. Is also on the Public Health Committee.She has presented at numerous scientific meetings in Australia and abroad.

Special interests: Cataract Surgery, Botox, Paediatrics & Strabismus, Medical Retina & Glaucoma, General Ophthalmology.

LANGUAGESEnglish Gb, Hindi


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