Dr Robert Steele
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Dr Robert Steele
Dr Robert Steele is a Orthopaedic Surgeon, have practice in OrthoSport Victoria in Richmond, VIC and Valley Hospital in Mulgrave, VIC. Dr Robert Steele has 156 views and no reviews. 0 patients voted for medical provider, average rating 0.00 out of 5.


Robert (Bob) Steele is an internationally trained Melbourne Orthopaedic Surgeon with subspecialty areas of interest in knee and hip surgery., , , Bob graduated from the University of Melbourne in 1994 going on to complete his Orthopaedic training here in Victoria prior to undertaking highly sought after fellowships in the United Kingdom in lower limb joint replacement surgery and sports surgery of the knee., , , Bob has researched and published internationally on partial knee replacements and continues to work with other leading Australian surgeons to develop new hip and knee replacement prostheses. In conjunction with this he is working with local and International companies to develop improved techniques for optimal placement of these prosthetic joint replacements., , , Bob has a healthy interest in teaching having held faculty positions at the University of Melbourne and Stanford University California and continues to be very actively involved with the teaching of Medical and allied health professionals through his consultant appointment at Monash Health., , , Bob has a strong commitment to the south-eastern suburbs, consulting and operating at Mulgrave Private Hospital., , , Bob is a fellow of the Australian Orthopaedic Association, the Australian Knee Society, The Australian Arthroplasty Society, the Australian Medical Association and the International society of arthroscopy, knee surgery and orthopaedic sports medicine.

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  • Practice name OrthoSport Victoria
  • Address 89 Bridge Road, Richmond, VIC
  • Suburb or City Richmond, VIC
  • Practice name Valley Hospital
  • Address Corner Police and Gladstone rd, Mulgrave, VIC
  • Suburb or City Mulgrave, VIC
What is the Dr Robert Steele's specialty?
Dr Robert Steele is a Orthopaedic Surgeon.
What is the address of the Dr Robert Steele's practice?
Dr Robert Steele works at 89 Bridge Road, Richmond, VIC
What are the Dr Robert Steele's qualifications?


Robert (Bob) Steele is an internationally trained Melbourne Orthopaedic Surgeon with subspecialty areas of interest in knee and hip surgery., , , Bob graduated from the University of Melbourne in 1994 going on to complete his Orthopaedic training here in Victoria prior to undertaking highly sought after fellowships in the United Kingdom in lower limb joint replacement surgery and sports surgery of the knee., , , Bob has researched and published internationally on partial knee replacements and continues to work with other leading Australian surgeons to develop new hip and knee replacement prostheses. In conjunction with this he is working with local and International companies to develop improved techniques for optimal placement of these prosthetic joint replacements., , , Bob has a healthy interest in teaching having held faculty positions at the University of Melbourne and Stanford University California and continues to be very actively involved with the teaching of Medical and allied health professionals through his consultant appointment at Monash Health., , , Bob has a strong commitment to the south-eastern suburbs, consulting and operating at Mulgrave Private Hospital., , , Bob is a fellow of the Australian Orthopaedic Association, the Australian Knee Society, The Australian Arthroplasty Society, the Australian Medical Association and the International society of arthroscopy, knee surgery and orthopaedic sports medicine.


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