Dr Peter Heathcote
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Dr Peter Heathcote
Dr Peter Heathcote is a Urologist, have practice in Mater Medical Centre in Rockhampton, QLD and Greenslopes Private Hospital in Brisbane, QLD. Dr Peter Heathcote has 222 views and no reviews. 0 patients voted for medical provider, average rating 0.00 out of 5.


Profile: Dr Peter Heathcote completed his basic medical degree and his Specialist Urology training in Queensland before further advanced training in the UK in reconstructive Urology and in Canada in Oncology in particular Radical Prostatectomy. More recently he completed extensive training at the Global Robotics Institute in Florida USA as part of the team that introduced the first Robotic Surgery program in Queensland. His special interest and expertise is in prostate and bladder surgery with emphasis on Robotically Assisted Laparoscopic Radical Prostatectomy.He has also started performing MRI guided prostate biopsy in conjunction with Queensland X-Ray.

Special interests: Robotic surgery, prostate cancer, renal stones. Medico legal.

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  • Practice name Mater Medical Centre
  • Address Mater Medical Centre, Jessie Street, Rockhampton, QLD
  • Suburb or City Rockhampton, QLD
  • Practice name Greenslopes Private Hospital
  • Address 135 Wickham Terrace, Brisbane, QLD
  • Suburb or City Brisbane, QLD
What is the Dr Peter Heathcote's specialty?
Dr Peter Heathcote is a Urologist.
What is the address of the Dr Peter Heathcote's practice?
Dr Peter Heathcote works at Mater Medical Centre, Jessie Street, Rockhampton, QLD
What are the Dr Peter Heathcote's qualifications?


Profile: Dr Peter Heathcote completed his basic medical degree and his Specialist Urology training in Queensland before further advanced training in the UK in reconstructive Urology and in Canada in Oncology in particular Radical Prostatectomy. More recently he completed extensive training at the Global Robotics Institute in Florida USA as part of the team that introduced the first Robotic Surgery program in Queensland. His special interest and expertise is in prostate and bladder surgery with emphasis on Robotically Assisted Laparoscopic Radical Prostatectomy.He has also started performing MRI guided prostate biopsy in conjunction with Queensland X-Ray.

Special interests: Robotic surgery, prostate cancer, renal stones. Medico legal.


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