Dr Nisha Chalam
2 votes, average: 3.00 out of 52 votes, average: 3.00 out of 52 votes, average: 3.00 out of 52 votes, average: 3.00 out of 52 votes, average: 3.00 out of 5 (2)
Dr Nisha Chalam
Dr Nisha Chalam is a General practitioner, GP, have practice in Brooklyn, NZ . Dr Nisha Chalam has 210 views and 2 reviews. 2 patients voted for medical provider, average rating 3.00 out of 5.

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  • Practice name
  • Address 183 Ohiro Rd, Brooklyn, Wellington
  • Suburb or City Brooklyn, NZ
What is the Dr Nisha Chalam's specialty?
Dr Nisha Chalam is a General practitioner, GP.
What is the address of the Dr Nisha Chalam's practice?
Dr Nisha Chalam works at 183 Ohiro Rd, Brooklyn, Wellington

2 thoughts on “Dr Nisha Chalam”



    I went to see her as my GP was on holiday. I went there in clinic to get seen because Im feeling unwell recently. I stated all my symptoms and after that she said you don’t need to have those lab test. I have requested for lipid test, blood sugar test and also anything to do with why I am bruising. The lipids and blood sugar test i have asked her to check this since the last time my lipids was bit high. She mentioned that there’s no need to check since she looked at previous result which is not more than a year contrary to what she is saying. When i got home, i double check it and it was already more than 1 year. She was limiting me from getting this blood test as she’s saying Im healthy and young and I don’t need that since the previous results have always been normal. I felt denied of my right to public funded service. I wouldn’t go there in the clinic in the first place if I’m not feeling very well and I was there to find out what was wrong since last time my lipids peaked high. Totally unhelpful,not happy with her service. I have a medical background too by the way so it’s normal for me to be quite conscious with my health. She needs to review her practice. Patients don’t see a dr to just spend money for nothing. So don’t deny your patients of their rights to find out what’s wrong with their body.




    Would not recommend. Felt being judged as she’s jumping into conclusion based on previous result only and which is past 1 year and trying to limit someone from being eligible to public funded service because she wants you to pay more. I have personally requested to get the lab test done myself since she would not give me any. And she clearly written on lab request that I have personally requested it and needs to pay for that test specifically for my lipids and blood sugar while the other test was funded last time. This is despite mentioning to her that last year was a bit high and she still went on to say you dont need that test as your healthy and still young and that you just need diet. How will I know if everything is normal without having it checked in the first place?! This is not like a guessing and comparing game based on previous results. And every year or even months after, your body can change.


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