Dr Niroj Obeyesekere
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Dr Niroj Obeyesekere
Dr Niroj Obeyesekere is a General practitioner, GP, Nephrologist, have practice in NorthPark Consulting Suites in Bundoora, VIC and North Park Consulting Suites in Bundoora, VIC. Dr Niroj Obeyesekere has 370 views and no reviews. 0 patients voted for medical provider, average rating 0.00 out of 5.


Profile: Dr Niroj Obeyesekere is one of Melbourne’s leading Nephrologists, or ‘kidney doctor’, offering specialised care for patients suffering from kidney problems to provide the best possible treatment and increase chances of recovery.Kidney disease can often be a silent illness without any symptoms or signs. Dr Niroj Obeyesekere specialises in the early detection and management of kidney disease, to effectively reduce and in many cases reverse the progression of conditions affecting the kidney.For patients with chronic kidney diseases such as chronic renal failure and similar conditions, Niroj focuses on the ongoing relationship to provide continuous and comprehensive care.

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  • Practice name NorthPark Consulting Suites
  • Address Corner Plenty & Greenhills Roads, Bundoora, VIC 3083
  • Suburb or City Bundoora, VIC
  • Practice name North Park Consulting Suites
  • Address Corner Plenty & Greenhills Roads, Bundoora, VIC 3083
  • Suburb or City Bundoora, VIC
What is the Dr Niroj Obeyesekere's specialty?
Dr Niroj Obeyesekere is a General practitioner, GP, Nephrologist.
What is the address of the Dr Niroj Obeyesekere's practice?
Dr Niroj Obeyesekere works at Corner Plenty & Greenhills Roads, Bundoora, VIC 3083
What are the Dr Niroj Obeyesekere's qualifications?


Profile: Dr Niroj Obeyesekere is one of Melbourne’s leading Nephrologists, or ‘kidney doctor’, offering specialised care for patients suffering from kidney problems to provide the best possible treatment and increase chances of recovery.Kidney disease can often be a silent illness without any symptoms or signs. Dr Niroj Obeyesekere specialises in the early detection and management of kidney disease, to effectively reduce and in many cases reverse the progression of conditions affecting the kidney.For patients with chronic kidney diseases such as chronic renal failure and similar conditions, Niroj focuses on the ongoing relationship to provide continuous and comprehensive care.


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