About Dr Naveen Allha
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Practice Location
- Practice name Alexandra House
- Address Suite 3, Level 3, 201 Wickham Tce, Spring Hill, QLD
- Suburb or City Spring Hill, QLD
- State Queensland
- Country Australia
- What is the Dr Naveen Allha's specialty?
- Dr Naveen Allha is a Psychiatrist.
- What is the address of the Dr Naveen Allha's practice?
- Dr Naveen Allha works at Suite 3, Level 3, 201 Wickham Tce, Spring Hill, QLD
- What is Dr Naveen Allha's email address?
- Dr Naveen Allha's work email is reception.ascl@gmail.com
- What is Dr Naveen Allha's work phone number?
- Dr Naveen Allha's work phone number is 07 3062 9330
Sean Pears
• 16.04.2022After months of waiting and change of psychiatrists, I was fortunate enough to be referred to Dr Allha. He has shown nothing but compassion, care, and respect over the many years I have been seeing him. I highly recommend Dr Allha for treatment, support, guidance, and quality of care.
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