Dr Michael Bardsley is a Obstetrician, Gynaecologist, have practice in Obstetrics & Gynaecology Ballarat in Ballarat, VIC . Dr Michael Bardsley has 105 views and no reviews. 0 patients voted for medical provider, average rating 0.00 out of 5.

Michael graduated from Melbourne University in 1989 and first experienced obstetrics during 1993 when he spent twelve months at the Royal Womens Hospital in Melbourne, working alongside Russell. Michael then entered General Practice and spent ten years in Bacchus Marsh as a GP. For all of these years obstetrics was the primary focus of his work.

At that stage, due to his love for obstetrics, and despite the many challenges, he decided to retrain as a specialist obstetrician and gynaecologist.

Michael now has a very busy obstetric practice, delivering around 200 babies each year. He also has an active gynaecological practice, with interests in pelvic floor surgery and incontinence, advanced laparoscopy including laparoscopic hysterectomy, infertility and IVF. He also provides visiting gynaecological services to Ararat and Bacchus Marsh.

Michael remains very committed to Ballarat and the region, and is excited about the growing practice at Obstetrics & Gynaecology Ballarat and Ballarat IVF.

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  • Practice name Obstetrics & Gynaecology Ballarat
  • Address 1105 Howitt Street, Ballarat, VIC
  • Suburb or City Ballarat, VIC
What is the Dr Michael Bardsley's specialty?
Dr Michael Bardsley is a Obstetrician, Gynaecologist.
What is the address of the Dr Michael Bardsley's practice?
Dr Michael Bardsley works at 1105 Howitt Street, Ballarat, VIC
What are the Dr Michael Bardsley's qualifications?

Michael graduated from Melbourne University in 1989 and first experienced obstetrics during 1993 when he spent twelve months at the Royal Womens Hospital in Melbourne, working alongside Russell. Michael then entered General Practice and spent ten years in Bacchus Marsh as a GP. For all of these years obstetrics was the primary focus of his work.

At that stage, due to his love for obstetrics, and despite the many challenges, he decided to retrain as a specialist obstetrician and gynaecologist.

Michael now has a very busy obstetric practice, delivering around 200 babies each year. He also has an active gynaecological practice, with interests in pelvic floor surgery and incontinence, advanced laparoscopy including laparoscopic hysterectomy, infertility and IVF. He also provides visiting gynaecological services to Ararat and Bacchus Marsh.

Michael remains very committed to Ballarat and the region, and is excited about the growing practice at Obstetrics & Gynaecology Ballarat and Ballarat IVF.


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