Dr Marina Demetrios is a Rehabilitation Physician, have practice in Donvale Rehabilitation Hospital in Donvale, VIC . Dr Marina Demetrios has 159 views and no reviews. 0 patients voted for medical provider, average rating 0.00 out of 5.


Profile: Dr Demetrios is a Rehabilitation Medicine Physician who graduated from AFRM (RACP) in 2008. Her Special interests: include spasticity management and neurorehabilitation and she commenced a Doctor of Medical Science Degree in 2010 in these areas. Dr Demetrios also practices at a large public city hospital in the inpatient rehabilitation unit (general and neurorehabilitation), neurorehabilitation clinic, spasticity clinic and has experience in the pain management clinic.

Special interests: Spasticity management and neurorehabilitation

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  • Practice name Donvale Rehabilitation Hospital
  • Address Donvale Rehabilitation Hospital , 1119 Doncaster Rd , Donvale , VIC, 3111
  • Suburb or City Donvale, VIC
What is the Dr Marina Demetrios's specialty?
Dr Marina Demetrios is a Rehabilitation Physician.
What is the address of the Dr Marina Demetrios's practice?
Dr Marina Demetrios works at Donvale Rehabilitation Hospital , 1119 Doncaster Rd , Donvale , VIC, 3111
What are the Dr Marina Demetrios's qualifications?


Profile: Dr Demetrios is a Rehabilitation Medicine Physician who graduated from AFRM (RACP) in 2008. Her Special interests: include spasticity management and neurorehabilitation and she commenced a Doctor of Medical Science Degree in 2010 in these areas. Dr Demetrios also practices at a large public city hospital in the inpatient rehabilitation unit (general and neurorehabilitation), neurorehabilitation clinic, spasticity clinic and has experience in the pain management clinic.

Special interests: Spasticity management and neurorehabilitation


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