Dr Malcolm Giles
2 votes, average: 2.00 out of 52 votes, average: 2.00 out of 52 votes, average: 2.00 out of 52 votes, average: 2.00 out of 52 votes, average: 2.00 out of 5 (2)
Dr Malcolm Giles
Dr Malcolm Giles is a Otolaryngologist (ENT), have practice in Mr Malcolm Giles - Otolaryngologist in Whitiora, NZ . Dr Malcolm Giles has 188 views and 1 review. 2 patients voted for medical provider, average rating 2.00 out of 5.

MB ChB 1979 Auckland; FRACS 1986

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  • Practice name Mr Malcolm Giles - Otolaryngologist
  • Address 6c Mill Lane, Whitiora, Hamilton
  • Suburb or City Whitiora, NZ
What is the Dr Malcolm Giles's specialty?
Dr Malcolm Giles is a Otolaryngologist (ENT).
What is the address of the Dr Malcolm Giles's practice?
Dr Malcolm Giles works at 6c Mill Lane, Whitiora, Hamilton
What are the Dr Malcolm Giles's qualifications?

MB ChB 1979 Auckland; FRACS 1986


One thought on “Dr Malcolm Giles”

    Maria Graham


    Waikato Hospital 2002-2004: fortnightly visits for my early-teens son for a recurring ear infection; long waiting times norm; waiting area full of predominantly Māori children; numerous antibiotics prescriptions to no avail;

    To try and get some relief I paid $125 for a private consult only to arrive at his office and he had not retrieved my son’s hospital file as had been pre-arranged; prattled on to my ailing son about his own son, Mathew who attended the same college; and asked me to leave the room.

    Two months later, my son through his public hospital visits with Dr Giles and at our insistence, is referred for a mastoidectomy. Straight-forward procedure, the learned Doctor Giles informs me which should take no longer than 2 hours. 6 hours later – it is disclosed that the procedure was longer than expected; an abscess had eroded most of the small bones of hearing and the surgery scraped away all if not most of the infection. My poor son was in agony, due to the prolonged surgery under anaesthetic with very little feeling in his lower limbs; plus had to endure the poor standard of care(norm) as a night patient.

    Recalling this nightmare has been triggered by now adult son seeking treatment for an ear infection (same ear) – the specialist can see that major surgery has been undertaken. The hospital are unable to locate his medical files – this is the current state.

    I am not surprised that Dr Giles is considered an authority in this area – he had enough guinea pigs.
    One redeeming factor, that I would like to acknowledge in this whole debacle is the Registrar, Dr Asit Parekh for his genuine care and his recommendation which I acted on, to push for a sugical intervention.


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