Dr Linda Monshizadeh is a Plastic Surgeon (Reconstructive & Cosmetic), have practice in West Perth, WA . Dr Linda Monshizadeh has 593 views and no reviews. 11 patients voted for medical provider, average rating 4.55 out of 5.

Dr Linda Monshizadeh completed her medical training at the University of Western Australia (UWA) in 2007, graduating with a degree in Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery with Honours.

Linda commenced five years of specialist training with the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons in 2012 and was formally awarded her FRACS qualification in plastic and reconstructive surgery in 2017. During her training, she was awarded the Gordon Baron-Hay Award for best research paper.

Dr Monshizadeh then undertook two-years post-fellowship training which was dedicated to her subspecialty interest of paediatric and adult craniomaxillofacial surgery. The first year of training was under the supervision of Prof David David at the internationally renowned ACFU in Adelaide, South Australia, followed by further training at the Westmead Children’s hospital in Sydney.

During this time Linda also did further studies and was awarded her Masters of Craniofacial Surgery through Macquarie University, Sydney. She also won the research prize which recognises academic excellence in Evidence based Practice.

Linda has returned to Perth, and currently holds consultant positions at Perth Children’s Hospital and Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital where she undertakes work in her subspecialty area of craniofacial surgery.

Her areas of surgical special interest include
- Paediatric and Adult Craniofacial Surgery
- Orthognathic Surgery (Corrective jaw surgery)
- Craniomaxillofacial reconstruction

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  • Practice name
  • Address 7 Richardson Street, West Perth, WA
  • Suburb or City West Perth, WA
What is the Dr Linda Monshizadeh's specialty?
Dr Linda Monshizadeh is a Plastic Surgeon (Reconstructive & Cosmetic).
What is the address of the Dr Linda Monshizadeh's practice?
Dr Linda Monshizadeh works at 7 Richardson Street, West Perth, WA
What are the Dr Linda Monshizadeh's qualifications?

Dr Linda Monshizadeh completed her medical training at the University of Western Australia (UWA) in 2007, graduating with a degree in Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery with Honours.

Linda commenced five years of specialist training with the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons in 2012 and was formally awarded her FRACS qualification in plastic and reconstructive surgery in 2017. During her training, she was awarded the Gordon Baron-Hay Award for best research paper.

Dr Monshizadeh then undertook two-years post-fellowship training which was dedicated to her subspecialty interest of paediatric and adult craniomaxillofacial surgery. The first year of training was under the supervision of Prof David David at the internationally renowned ACFU in Adelaide, South Australia, followed by further training at the Westmead Children’s hospital in Sydney.

During this time Linda also did further studies and was awarded her Masters of Craniofacial Surgery through Macquarie University, Sydney. She also won the research prize which recognises academic excellence in Evidence based Practice.

Linda has returned to Perth, and currently holds consultant positions at Perth Children’s Hospital and Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital where she undertakes work in her subspecialty area of craniofacial surgery.

Her areas of surgical special interest include
- Paediatric and Adult Craniofacial Surgery
- Orthognathic Surgery (Corrective jaw surgery)
- Craniomaxillofacial reconstruction


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