Dr Kortnye Smith
0 votes, average: 0.00 out of 50 votes, average: 0.00 out of 50 votes, average: 0.00 out of 50 votes, average: 0.00 out of 50 votes, average: 0.00 out of 5 (0)
Dr Kortnye Smith
Dr Kortnye Smith is a Medical Oncologist, have practice in Ballarat Cancer Care in North Ballarat, VIC . Dr Kortnye Smith has 150 views and no reviews. 0 patients voted for medical provider, average rating 0.00 out of 5.


Dr Kortnye Smith was raised and educated in Ararat , where many of her family and friends still live. She left the local region to obtain her medical degree at the University of Adelaide before training at the Royal Adelaide Hospital. She moved back to Victoria to complete her specialty oncology training at Monash Medical Centre, Cabrini Health and Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre.

She continues to work at Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre where she is undertaking a fellowship in association with Melbourne Genomic Health Alliance, sequencing DNA in solid tumors to investigate personalized and targeted options for treating challenging cancers.

Kortnye has published and presented in the areas of genomic medicine, melanoma, and supportive care in cancer patients. She is committed to providing the best individualized and evidence-based care to her patents.

She has two children and is thrilled to be able return to the Wimmera district.

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  • Practice name Ballarat Cancer Care
  • Address 101 Drummond Street, North Ballarat, VIC
  • Suburb or City North Ballarat, VIC
What is the Dr Kortnye Smith's specialty?
Dr Kortnye Smith is a Medical Oncologist.
What is the address of the Dr Kortnye Smith's practice?
Dr Kortnye Smith works at 101 Drummond Street, North Ballarat, VIC
What are the Dr Kortnye Smith's qualifications?


Dr Kortnye Smith was raised and educated in Ararat , where many of her family and friends still live. She left the local region to obtain her medical degree at the University of Adelaide before training at the Royal Adelaide Hospital. She moved back to Victoria to complete her specialty oncology training at Monash Medical Centre, Cabrini Health and Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre.

She continues to work at Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre where she is undertaking a fellowship in association with Melbourne Genomic Health Alliance, sequencing DNA in solid tumors to investigate personalized and targeted options for treating challenging cancers.

Kortnye has published and presented in the areas of genomic medicine, melanoma, and supportive care in cancer patients. She is committed to providing the best individualized and evidence-based care to her patents.

She has two children and is thrilled to be able return to the Wimmera district.


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