Dr John Ombiga
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Dr John Ombiga
Dr John Ombiga is a Gastroenterologist, Hepatologist, have practice in Cairns Private Hospital in Cairns, QLD . Dr John Ombiga has 335 views and no reviews. 0 patients voted for medical provider, average rating 0.00 out of 5.

Profile: Ramsay Cairns is delighted to welcome Dr John Ombiga. Dr Ombiga is a Consultant Gastroenterologist with an interest in Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Hepatitis. He has extensive experience in gastroscopy, colonoscopy and advanced interventional endoscopy procedures such as complex stricture management, gastrointestinal stenting and endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR) of large polyps.Originally from Papua New Guinea, Dr Ombiga completed his Gastroenterology training at Liverpool and Nepean Hospitals in Sydney as a Specialist Physician. Dr Ombiga holds a Fellowship of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians in Gastroenterology and Hepatology. He spent two years of further research and training at the Fremantle Hospital in Perth as a Fellow in Inflammatory Bowel Disease.Dr Ombiga also holds an appointment as a Staff Gastroenterologist at the Cairns Hospital where he has had a large volume of experience in treating viral Hepatitis, chronic liver disease, IBD, and interventional endoscopy. In addition to teaching junior medical staff and JCU medical students he has been instrumental in teaching advanced Gastroenterology trainee registrars since 2007.

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  • Practice name Cairns Private Hospital
  • Address Level 3 Suite 3, 120 Bunda Street, Cairns Gastroenterology, Cairns, QLD
  • Suburb or City Cairns, QLD
What is the Dr John Ombiga's specialty?
Dr John Ombiga is a Gastroenterologist, Hepatologist.
What is the address of the Dr John Ombiga's practice?
Dr John Ombiga works at Level 3 Suite 3, 120 Bunda Street, Cairns Gastroenterology, Cairns, QLD
What are the Dr John Ombiga's qualifications?

Profile: Ramsay Cairns is delighted to welcome Dr John Ombiga. Dr Ombiga is a Consultant Gastroenterologist with an interest in Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Hepatitis. He has extensive experience in gastroscopy, colonoscopy and advanced interventional endoscopy procedures such as complex stricture management, gastrointestinal stenting and endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR) of large polyps.Originally from Papua New Guinea, Dr Ombiga completed his Gastroenterology training at Liverpool and Nepean Hospitals in Sydney as a Specialist Physician. Dr Ombiga holds a Fellowship of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians in Gastroenterology and Hepatology. He spent two years of further research and training at the Fremantle Hospital in Perth as a Fellow in Inflammatory Bowel Disease.Dr Ombiga also holds an appointment as a Staff Gastroenterologist at the Cairns Hospital where he has had a large volume of experience in treating viral Hepatitis, chronic liver disease, IBD, and interventional endoscopy. In addition to teaching junior medical staff and JCU medical students he has been instrumental in teaching advanced Gastroenterology trainee registrars since 2007.


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