Dr John Delahunt
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Dr John Delahunt
Dr John Delahunt is a Endocrinologist, have practice in OneSixOne in Epsom, NZ . Dr John Delahunt has 152 views and no reviews. 0 patients voted for medical provider, average rating 0.00 out of 5.

MB ChB 1966 Otago; M 1971 F 1976 RACP; MRCP 1972

Dr John Delahunt graduated from Otago Medical School in 1966 and has been a clinical endocrinologist at Wellington Hospital since 1978. He has been a Senior Lecturer at the Wellington School of Medicine for many years and has trained and mentored many undergraduates and postgraduates. John has been a very active member of the NZSE, having been the treasurer on 2 occasions, a previous secretary and the NZSE representative on the Royal Australasian College of Physicians Adult Medicine Advisory Panel in the 1980s and from 2008-2012. He was awarded life membership in 2012. John’s clinical research is in general Endocrinology and Diabetes, and he has a special interest in bone disease and transgender endocrinology. Wellington Hospital began a transgender clinic jointly with the Department of Psychology, Victoria University in the 1980s. As with other Units internationally, referral numbers have increased progressively over last 4-5 years.

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  • Practice name OneSixOne
  • Address 161 Gillies Ave, Epsom, Auckland
  • Suburb or City Epsom, NZ
What is the Dr John Delahunt's specialty?
Dr John Delahunt is a Endocrinologist.
What is the address of the Dr John Delahunt's practice?
Dr John Delahunt works at 161 Gillies Ave, Epsom, Auckland
What are the Dr John Delahunt's qualifications?

MB ChB 1966 Otago; M 1971 F 1976 RACP; MRCP 1972

Dr John Delahunt graduated from Otago Medical School in 1966 and has been a clinical endocrinologist at Wellington Hospital since 1978. He has been a Senior Lecturer at the Wellington School of Medicine for many years and has trained and mentored many undergraduates and postgraduates. John has been a very active member of the NZSE, having been the treasurer on 2 occasions, a previous secretary and the NZSE representative on the Royal Australasian College of Physicians Adult Medicine Advisory Panel in the 1980s and from 2008-2012. He was awarded life membership in 2012. John’s clinical research is in general Endocrinology and Diabetes, and he has a special interest in bone disease and transgender endocrinology. Wellington Hospital began a transgender clinic jointly with the Department of Psychology, Victoria University in the 1980s. As with other Units internationally, referral numbers have increased progressively over last 4-5 years.


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