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About Dr Janet Roddy
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Practice Location
- Practice name Western Rheumatology
- Address 17 Lemnos Street, SHENTON PARK WA 6008, Shenton Park, WA
- Suburb or City Shenton Park, WA
- State Western Australia
- Country Australia
Secondary Practice Location
- Practice name
- Address St John of God Hospital, South West Health Campus (SJOG), 700 Robinson Drive, BUNBURY WA 6230
- Suburb or City Bunbury, WA
- State Western Australia
- Country Australia
- What is the Dr Janet Roddy's specialty?
- Dr Janet Roddy is a Rheumatologist.
- What is the address of the Dr Janet Roddy's practice?
- Dr Janet Roddy works at 17 Lemnos Street, SHENTON PARK WA 6008, Shenton Park, WA