Dr Janelle Brennan
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Dr Janelle Brennan
Dr Janelle Brennan is a Urologist, have practice in Goldfields Urology in Bendigo, VIC . Dr Janelle Brennan has 122 views and no reviews. 0 patients voted for medical provider, average rating 0.00 out of 5.


Janelle graduated with honours from the University of Melbourne in 1997 and then went on to do further post-graduate surgical training at St. Vincent's Hospital, Melbourne. Janelle completed her training as a general surgeon in 2003. This was followed by two years of full time research at St. Vincent's Hospital, Melbourne looking at the molecular biology of metastatic bladder cancer. She then commenced urology training in 2006 and became a qualified urological surgeon in February 2009. She completed a further fellowship year at North Shore Hospital, Auckland focusing on uro-oncology and female pelvic medicine and reconstructive surgery. Janelle also spent 3 months as an observer in the US with Dr. Victor Nitti (New York) and Dr. Roger Dmochowski (Vanderbilt Tennessee).

Janelle moved to Bendigo in June 2010 and currently works at Bendigo Health and St. John of God, Bendigo as well as operating monthly at St. Vincent's Hospital, Melbourne where she provides teaching in sacral neuromodulation. In her role at Bendigo Health she has developed a FPMRS fellowship position and a FPMRS multidisciplinary meeting and clinic. She has supervised the training of a Uro-oncology nurse practitioner, and is currently supervising training of a nurse practitioner candidate in FPMRS and continence GP. When not working, she tries to play golf and expand her knowledge of food and wine.

• FPMRS (Female Pelvic Medicine & Reconstructive Surgery)
• Incontinence and prolapse
• Uro-oncology including laparoscopic surgery
• Stones
• BPH (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia)

Please send referrals to:
Phone: 03 5441 3130
Fax: 03 5441 8642
Email: reception@goldfieldsurology.com.au
Consulting Rooms Address: 38 Myers Street Bendigo 3550

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  • Practice name Goldfields Urology
  • Address 38 Myers Street, Bendigo, VIC
  • Suburb or City Bendigo, VIC
What is the Dr Janelle Brennan's specialty?
Dr Janelle Brennan is a Urologist.
What is the address of the Dr Janelle Brennan's practice?
Dr Janelle Brennan works at 38 Myers Street, Bendigo, VIC
What are the Dr Janelle Brennan's qualifications?


Janelle graduated with honours from the University of Melbourne in 1997 and then went on to do further post-graduate surgical training at St. Vincent's Hospital, Melbourne. Janelle completed her training as a general surgeon in 2003. This was followed by two years of full time research at St. Vincent's Hospital, Melbourne looking at the molecular biology of metastatic bladder cancer. She then commenced urology training in 2006 and became a qualified urological surgeon in February 2009. She completed a further fellowship year at North Shore Hospital, Auckland focusing on uro-oncology and female pelvic medicine and reconstructive surgery. Janelle also spent 3 months as an observer in the US with Dr. Victor Nitti (New York) and Dr. Roger Dmochowski (Vanderbilt Tennessee).

Janelle moved to Bendigo in June 2010 and currently works at Bendigo Health and St. John of God, Bendigo as well as operating monthly at St. Vincent's Hospital, Melbourne where she provides teaching in sacral neuromodulation. In her role at Bendigo Health she has developed a FPMRS fellowship position and a FPMRS multidisciplinary meeting and clinic. She has supervised the training of a Uro-oncology nurse practitioner, and is currently supervising training of a nurse practitioner candidate in FPMRS and continence GP. When not working, she tries to play golf and expand her knowledge of food and wine.

• FPMRS (Female Pelvic Medicine & Reconstructive Surgery)
• Incontinence and prolapse
• Uro-oncology including laparoscopic surgery
• Stones
• BPH (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia)

Please send referrals to:
Phone: 03 5441 3130
Fax: 03 5441 8642
Email: reception@goldfieldsurology.com.au
Consulting Rooms Address: 38 Myers Street Bendigo 3550


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