Dr James Wei is a Geriatrician (Aged Care Specialist), have practice in Bendigo, VIC . Dr James Wei has 117 views and no reviews. 0 patients voted for medical provider, average rating 0.00 out of 5.

MBBS (Uni of Melb), FRACP (Geriatric Medicine), Cert UDS (Bristol)

I am a graduate from University of Melbourne in 2005 and a fellow in college of physician since 2012. I have extensive training experiences through major Victorian hospital networks such as A&RMC, Monash, Western, Eastern and Northern Health. I have contributed to the establishment of Cognition Assessment Memory Service (CADMs) and Continence in Traralgan, Gippsland in 2013. I have also helped establishing Orthogeriatric service and Acute geriatric service in Bendigo Health from 2014-2016. I am also a teaching associate in Bendigo Regional Monash Medical school in 2016.
I have an interest in understanding and managing sarcopenia, continence issues, cognition and polypharmacy in the older adults.
I also provide community geriatric services such as home visit, residential aged care facility visits and financial capacity assessments.

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  • Practice name
  • Address 5 Chum Street, Bendigo, VIC
  • Suburb or City Bendigo, VIC
What is the Dr James Wei's specialty?
Dr James Wei is a Geriatrician (Aged Care Specialist).
What is the address of the Dr James Wei's practice?
Dr James Wei works at 5 Chum Street, Bendigo, VIC
What are the Dr James Wei's qualifications?

MBBS (Uni of Melb), FRACP (Geriatric Medicine), Cert UDS (Bristol)

I am a graduate from University of Melbourne in 2005 and a fellow in college of physician since 2012. I have extensive training experiences through major Victorian hospital networks such as A&RMC, Monash, Western, Eastern and Northern Health. I have contributed to the establishment of Cognition Assessment Memory Service (CADMs) and Continence in Traralgan, Gippsland in 2013. I have also helped establishing Orthogeriatric service and Acute geriatric service in Bendigo Health from 2014-2016. I am also a teaching associate in Bendigo Regional Monash Medical school in 2016.
I have an interest in understanding and managing sarcopenia, continence issues, cognition and polypharmacy in the older adults.
I also provide community geriatric services such as home visit, residential aged care facility visits and financial capacity assessments.


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