Dr Jackson Harding
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Dr Jackson Harding
Dr Jackson Harding is a Anaesthetist, have practice in Bendigo, VIC . Dr Jackson Harding has 136 views and no reviews. .

MBBS; FANZCA; Grad Dip Management (Defence)

Jackson Harding attended Medical School at Monash University, following residency posts including The Alfred Hospital. He undertook anaesthetic training in South Australia. The program provided experience throughout Adelaide including a specialty with Womens and Children’s Hospital.

In 1997, Jackson was appointed consultant anaesthetist at Queen Elizabeth Hospital alongside a clinical academic position with University of Adelaide, while concurrently contributing as consultant with the aeromedical retrieval service based at the Royal Adelaide Hospital until 2003.

Relocating to Bendigo in 2003, he holds clinical appointments at Bendigo Health Care Group, St John of God Bendigo, Bendigo Day Surgery, and Mt Alexander Hospital. Jackson’s strong interests include anaesthesia for patients with complex health issues, pain management, obstetric anaesthesia, and care of the critically ill as a consultant with the Intensive Care Unit at St John of God Bendigo Hospital.

Jackson teaches undergraduates and postgraduates in Bendigo and throughout Australia and New Zealand. Jackson is a Senior Instructor of the Early Management of Severe Trauma course, a Course Director of the Care of the Critically Ill Surgical Patient course, and an Instructor on the Basic Skills and Assessment in Intensive Care Course.

Jackson currently holds the rank of Colonel, Australian Army, and serves in the post of the Director of Clinical Governance where he has technical oversight of the Army's field deployable health assets. Jackson is a multiple military veteran and a graduate of the Australian Command and Staff College. He was the recipient of a Prince of Wales Award in 2000, with this he examined total intravenous anaesthesia at Glasgow Royal Infirmary, and military field anaesthesia.

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  • Practice name
  • Address 20 Drought Street, Bendigo, VIC
  • Suburb or City Bendigo, VIC
What is the Dr Jackson Harding's specialty?
Dr Jackson Harding is a Anaesthetist.
What is the address of the Dr Jackson Harding's practice?
Dr Jackson Harding works at 20 Drought Street, Bendigo, VIC
What are the Dr Jackson Harding's qualifications?

MBBS; FANZCA; Grad Dip Management (Defence)

Jackson Harding attended Medical School at Monash University, following residency posts including The Alfred Hospital. He undertook anaesthetic training in South Australia. The program provided experience throughout Adelaide including a specialty with Womens and Children’s Hospital.

In 1997, Jackson was appointed consultant anaesthetist at Queen Elizabeth Hospital alongside a clinical academic position with University of Adelaide, while concurrently contributing as consultant with the aeromedical retrieval service based at the Royal Adelaide Hospital until 2003.

Relocating to Bendigo in 2003, he holds clinical appointments at Bendigo Health Care Group, St John of God Bendigo, Bendigo Day Surgery, and Mt Alexander Hospital. Jackson’s strong interests include anaesthesia for patients with complex health issues, pain management, obstetric anaesthesia, and care of the critically ill as a consultant with the Intensive Care Unit at St John of God Bendigo Hospital.

Jackson teaches undergraduates and postgraduates in Bendigo and throughout Australia and New Zealand. Jackson is a Senior Instructor of the Early Management of Severe Trauma course, a Course Director of the Care of the Critically Ill Surgical Patient course, and an Instructor on the Basic Skills and Assessment in Intensive Care Course.

Jackson currently holds the rank of Colonel, Australian Army, and serves in the post of the Director of Clinical Governance where he has technical oversight of the Army's field deployable health assets. Jackson is a multiple military veteran and a graduate of the Australian Command and Staff College. He was the recipient of a Prince of Wales Award in 2000, with this he examined total intravenous anaesthesia at Glasgow Royal Infirmary, and military field anaesthesia.

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