Dr Ian Lawrance
3 votes, average: 3.33 out of 53 votes, average: 3.33 out of 53 votes, average: 3.33 out of 53 votes, average: 3.33 out of 53 votes, average: 3.33 out of 5 (3)
Dr Ian Lawrance
Dr Ian Lawrance is a Gastroenterologist, have practice in Subiaco Clinic in Subiaco, WA . Dr Ian Lawrance has 1,055 views and 1 review. 3 patients voted for medical provider, average rating 3.33 out of 5.

Prof Lawrance is a Professor in the School of Medicine and Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry at the University of Western Australia, and a Gastroenterologist at St John of God Subiaco Hospital.

He is a leading expert in the management of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) patients. He has over 90 peer-reviewed papers in the field of IBD, including in Nature, Nature genetics, Lancet, NEJM and Gastroenterology papers. He is on the editorial board of numerous scientific publications and the Genetics Section Editor for Inflammatory Bowel Diseases.

In 2000 he developed the Centre for IBD at Fremantle Hospital. In 2015, he created the first private centre for IBD at St John of God Subiaco Hospital.

He is a member of the WA Drug Evaluation Panel (WADEP), a member of the Australian and New Zealand IBD consortium (ANZIBDC), a previous board member of the Australian IBD Association (AIBDA), a board member of Crohn's Colitis Cure (CCC) and co-chair of the IBD Genetics Consortium (IIBDGC).

He was Head of the Department of Gastroenterology at Fremantle Hospital from 2004-2007, Director of Endoscopic Services at Kaleeya Hospital from 2004-2007 and currently sits on the numerous pharmaceutical IBD drug advisory committees.

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  • Practice name Subiaco Clinic
  • Address 25 Mccourt Street, Subiaco, WA
  • Suburb or City Subiaco, WA
What is the Dr Ian Lawrance's specialty?
Dr Ian Lawrance is a Gastroenterologist.
What is the address of the Dr Ian Lawrance's practice?
Dr Ian Lawrance works at 25 Mccourt Street, Subiaco, WA
What are the Dr Ian Lawrance's qualifications?

Prof Lawrance is a Professor in the School of Medicine and Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry at the University of Western Australia, and a Gastroenterologist at St John of God Subiaco Hospital.

He is a leading expert in the management of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) patients. He has over 90 peer-reviewed papers in the field of IBD, including in Nature, Nature genetics, Lancet, NEJM and Gastroenterology papers. He is on the editorial board of numerous scientific publications and the Genetics Section Editor for Inflammatory Bowel Diseases.

In 2000 he developed the Centre for IBD at Fremantle Hospital. In 2015, he created the first private centre for IBD at St John of God Subiaco Hospital.

He is a member of the WA Drug Evaluation Panel (WADEP), a member of the Australian and New Zealand IBD consortium (ANZIBDC), a previous board member of the Australian IBD Association (AIBDA), a board member of Crohn's Colitis Cure (CCC) and co-chair of the IBD Genetics Consortium (IIBDGC).

He was Head of the Department of Gastroenterology at Fremantle Hospital from 2004-2007, Director of Endoscopic Services at Kaleeya Hospital from 2004-2007 and currently sits on the numerous pharmaceutical IBD drug advisory committees.


One thought on “Dr Ian Lawrance”

    Infliximab lab rat


    This Doctor almost killed me many years ago with all his drugs ..tests ..I was a guinea pig for every drug that came out for Crohns Disease . I suffered and was sick in my best years ..my 20s .. all he cares about is revenue and drugs … $$$$ more patients more money .. almost 15 years later i cured myself from the Incurable disease as he calls it using holistic and natural medicine that he dosent believe in! I actually cant believe hes not been axed from all hospitals! Beady little bug!


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