Dr Henry Januszewicz is a General practitioner, GP, Haematologist, Medical Oncologist, have practice in Frankston Private Hospital in Mentone, VIC and Holmesglen Private Hospital in Moorabbin, VIC. Dr Henry Januszewicz has 300 views and no reviews. 0 patients voted for medical provider, average rating 0.00 out of 5.


Specialties, Dr Henry Januszewicz has extensive experience in blood cancers (lymphona, leukemais, multiple myeloma, myelodysplastic syndromes myeloproliferative neoplasms), venous thromboembolism and other benign blood dosorders. His involvment in clinical trials also gives him access to the latest advances in targeted blood cancer treatments, both in public hospitals and private practice., Employment Details, Dr Januszewicz was a consultant Haematologist at Peter MacCallum fromn 1989 to 2016., After retiring from Peter MacCallum in 2016, Dr Januszewicz has retained his honorary appointments at Peter MacCallum, The Alfred and Monash Health. He has also maintained a busy private practice consulting in Bayside Haematology Mentone, South Eastern Private Hospital Noble Park and Mulgrave Private Hospital Mulgrave., Education Details, Dr Januszewicz commenced his medical career at The Royal Melbourne Hospital and commenced Haematology training at Jerusalem’s Hadassah Hospital before moving back to Melbourne to St Vincent’s and Peter MacCallum Hospitals. He was a haematology research fellow at the latter from 1980 – 1983., Additional Information, Dr Januszewicz has experience in clinical and laboratory haematology spanning over 35 years. Dr Januszewicz is committed to outstanding patient care and high standards of practice. He is a member of the Haematological Society of Australia and New Zealand, the Australian Leukemia Lymphoma Study Group, the American Society of Haematology and the European Haematology Association., When his busy schedule allows it, you’ll find Dr Januszewicz enjoying walking and running, reading and cinema.

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  • Practice name Frankston Private Hospital
  • Address 41 Como Parade East, Mentone, VIC
  • Suburb or City Mentone, VIC
  • Practice name Holmesglen Private Hospital
  • Address 490 South Rd, Moorabbin, VIC
  • Suburb or City Moorabbin, VIC
What is the Dr Henry Januszewicz's specialty?
Dr Henry Januszewicz is a General practitioner, GP, Haematologist, Medical Oncologist.
What is the address of the Dr Henry Januszewicz's practice?
Dr Henry Januszewicz works at 41 Como Parade East, Mentone, VIC
What are the Dr Henry Januszewicz's qualifications?


Specialties, Dr Henry Januszewicz has extensive experience in blood cancers (lymphona, leukemais, multiple myeloma, myelodysplastic syndromes myeloproliferative neoplasms), venous thromboembolism and other benign blood dosorders. His involvment in clinical trials also gives him access to the latest advances in targeted blood cancer treatments, both in public hospitals and private practice., Employment Details, Dr Januszewicz was a consultant Haematologist at Peter MacCallum fromn 1989 to 2016., After retiring from Peter MacCallum in 2016, Dr Januszewicz has retained his honorary appointments at Peter MacCallum, The Alfred and Monash Health. He has also maintained a busy private practice consulting in Bayside Haematology Mentone, South Eastern Private Hospital Noble Park and Mulgrave Private Hospital Mulgrave., Education Details, Dr Januszewicz commenced his medical career at The Royal Melbourne Hospital and commenced Haematology training at Jerusalem’s Hadassah Hospital before moving back to Melbourne to St Vincent’s and Peter MacCallum Hospitals. He was a haematology research fellow at the latter from 1980 – 1983., Additional Information, Dr Januszewicz has experience in clinical and laboratory haematology spanning over 35 years. Dr Januszewicz is committed to outstanding patient care and high standards of practice. He is a member of the Haematological Society of Australia and New Zealand, the Australian Leukemia Lymphoma Study Group, the American Society of Haematology and the European Haematology Association., When his busy schedule allows it, you’ll find Dr Januszewicz enjoying walking and running, reading and cinema.


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