Dr Hemant Kulkarni
1 vote, average: 5.00 out of 51 vote, average: 5.00 out of 51 vote, average: 5.00 out of 51 vote, average: 5.00 out of 51 vote, average: 5.00 out of 5 (1)
Dr Hemant Kulkarni
Dr Hemant Kulkarni is a Nephrologist, have practice in Wexford Medical Centre in Murdoch, WA . Dr Hemant Kulkarni has 249 views and no reviews. 1 patients voted for medical provider, average rating 5.00 out of 5.


Dr Hemant Kulkarni is a renal physician who is passionate about providing quality services for complex patients with kidney disorders.

Dr Kulkarni is an astute senior renal physician with interests in all aspects of kidney disease, hypertension, electrolyte disturbances, and all aspects of dialysis and transplantation.

Dr Kulkarni holds dual accreditation in adult and paediatric nephrology and has vast clinical experience having worked in India, UK and Australia. He works at St John of God Murdoch Hospital as well as at Royal Perth Hospital. He has previously worked at Fremantle and Armadale hospitals.

He was instrumental in developing the current guidelines for referral to renal services from primary care; and remains a strong advocate for affordable patient-centred care. Hemant was involved in training and establishing WA's first Renal Nurse Practitioner, and developing the role of nurse practitioner in community screening programs.

He has received the “Operation Angel” award from Kidney Health Australia in recognition of his inspirational contribution to the Australian kidney community.

He remains passionate leading the Renal Health Network to shape health policy for the state of Western Australia.

Hemant has co-authored multiple publications in national and international journals, presented research and has been an invited speaker at national conferences.

Hemant is involved and interested in clinical research, with a special interest in chronic kidney disease, home dialysis, transplantation, renal nurse practitioners, and paediatric kidney disease.

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  • Practice name Wexford Medical Centre
  • Address 3 Barry Marshall Parade, Murdoch, WA
  • Suburb or City Murdoch, WA
What is the Dr Hemant Kulkarni's specialty?
Dr Hemant Kulkarni is a Nephrologist.
What is the address of the Dr Hemant Kulkarni's practice?
Dr Hemant Kulkarni works at 3 Barry Marshall Parade, Murdoch, WA
What are the Dr Hemant Kulkarni's qualifications?


Dr Hemant Kulkarni is a renal physician who is passionate about providing quality services for complex patients with kidney disorders.

Dr Kulkarni is an astute senior renal physician with interests in all aspects of kidney disease, hypertension, electrolyte disturbances, and all aspects of dialysis and transplantation.

Dr Kulkarni holds dual accreditation in adult and paediatric nephrology and has vast clinical experience having worked in India, UK and Australia. He works at St John of God Murdoch Hospital as well as at Royal Perth Hospital. He has previously worked at Fremantle and Armadale hospitals.

He was instrumental in developing the current guidelines for referral to renal services from primary care; and remains a strong advocate for affordable patient-centred care. Hemant was involved in training and establishing WA's first Renal Nurse Practitioner, and developing the role of nurse practitioner in community screening programs.

He has received the “Operation Angel” award from Kidney Health Australia in recognition of his inspirational contribution to the Australian kidney community.

He remains passionate leading the Renal Health Network to shape health policy for the state of Western Australia.

Hemant has co-authored multiple publications in national and international journals, presented research and has been an invited speaker at national conferences.

Hemant is involved and interested in clinical research, with a special interest in chronic kidney disease, home dialysis, transplantation, renal nurse practitioners, and paediatric kidney disease.


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