Dr Heidi Newitt
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Dr Heidi Newitt
Dr Heidi Newitt is a Neurologist, have practice in Surry Hills, NSW . Dr Heidi Newitt has 138 views and no reviews. 0 patients voted for medical provider, average rating 0.00 out of 5.

BAppSc (Hons), DPsych(ClinNeuro)

Since completing her Doctorate of Clinical Neuropsychology at The University of Melbourne in 2003, Dr Heidi Newitt has been employed in a variety of public and private Inpatient, Outpatient and Community settings. Having worked across the fields of disability, mental heath, addictions medicine, and general neurology, Heidi specialises in rehabilitation after acquired brain injury. She worked for many years at Epworth Rehabilitation and The Victorian Rehabilitation Centre as a Senior Clinician and Manager of Psychology, and has co-authored a number of publications in the area of long term adjustment after acquired brain injury. Her main interests are in neuropsychological assessment, education, and treatment following neurological trauma, management of challenging behaviours in those with acquired brain injury or disability, and decision making capacity evaluations. She values working closely with the client along with their family, school, workplace, and treatment team in order to achieve the best possible long term outcome and adjustment.
Heidi can see clients at SJOG, in their homes across metropolitan Melbourne and regional Victoria, or in various consulting rooms. She is also available to provide medico-legal assessments, secondary consultation, and professional supervision. Heidi sees clients that are funded by TAC, WorkSafe, DHHS, the NDIS, or self funded.

• Neuropsychological assessment and therapy
• Behaviour assessments and management plans
• Family and carer education and support
• Decision making capacity evaluations and reports

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What is the Dr Heidi Newitt's specialty?
Dr Heidi Newitt is a Neurologist.
What is the address of the Dr Heidi Newitt's practice?
Dr Heidi Newitt works at Surrey Hills, NSW
What are the Dr Heidi Newitt's qualifications?

BAppSc (Hons), DPsych(ClinNeuro)

Since completing her Doctorate of Clinical Neuropsychology at The University of Melbourne in 2003, Dr Heidi Newitt has been employed in a variety of public and private Inpatient, Outpatient and Community settings. Having worked across the fields of disability, mental heath, addictions medicine, and general neurology, Heidi specialises in rehabilitation after acquired brain injury. She worked for many years at Epworth Rehabilitation and The Victorian Rehabilitation Centre as a Senior Clinician and Manager of Psychology, and has co-authored a number of publications in the area of long term adjustment after acquired brain injury. Her main interests are in neuropsychological assessment, education, and treatment following neurological trauma, management of challenging behaviours in those with acquired brain injury or disability, and decision making capacity evaluations. She values working closely with the client along with their family, school, workplace, and treatment team in order to achieve the best possible long term outcome and adjustment.
Heidi can see clients at SJOG, in their homes across metropolitan Melbourne and regional Victoria, or in various consulting rooms. She is also available to provide medico-legal assessments, secondary consultation, and professional supervision. Heidi sees clients that are funded by TAC, WorkSafe, DHHS, the NDIS, or self funded.

• Neuropsychological assessment and therapy
• Behaviour assessments and management plans
• Family and carer education and support
• Decision making capacity evaluations and reports


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