Dr Hasher Pallathu Kadavil
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Dr Hasher Pallathu Kadavil
Dr Hasher Kadavil is a Pain Medicine Physician, Anaesthetist, have practice in Gosford Private Consulting Suites in North Gosford, NSW and Northern Integrated Pain Management in Charlestown, NSW. Dr Hasher Pallathu Kadavil has 237 views and no reviews. 0 patients voted for medical provider, average rating 0.00 out of 5.


Dr Hasher Kadavil completed his Medical degree (MBBS) and Diploma in Anaesthesia (DA) in India in 2002. Dr Kadavil then moved to the United Kingdom for specialist anaesthesia training. Hasher completed further anaesthesia and pain medicine training in New Zealand and Australia and became a Fellow of the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists in 2009. Having worked and trained in pain medicine for many years, Hasher completed further training and exams in pain medicine and became a Fellow of the Faculty of Pain Medicine, Australian and New Zealand College (FFPMANZCA) of Anaesthetists in 2015. Dr Kadavil uses a holistic approach and evaluates the likely causes of pain and what options there are for reducing pain and how pain affects the patient’s lives in terms of home life, social life and work life. Dr Kadavil treats a range of pain types including, but not limited to: Chronic Back & Neck Pain Neuropathic Pain Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Acute Pain (Surgical Pain) Post-Surgical Pain Pain in the Elderly Dr Kadavil works as part of a multidisciplinary pain management team, which includes a pain psychologist and an exercise physiologist. Dr Kadavil works as an anaesthetist at various public and private hospitals on the Central Coast. Hasher and his family have now made the Central Coast their long-term home.

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  • Practice name Gosford Private Consulting Suites
  • Address 12 Jarrett Street, North Gosford, NSW
  • Suburb or City North Gosford, NSW
  • Practice name Northern Integrated Pain Management
  • Address Northern Integrated Pain Management Suite 3 20 Smith Street Charlestown, NSW 2290
  • Suburb or City Charlestown, NSW
What is the Dr Hasher Pallathu Kadavil's specialty?
Dr Hasher Pallathu Kadavil is a Pain Medicine Physician, Anaesthetist.
What is the address of the Dr Hasher Pallathu Kadavil's practice?
Dr Hasher Pallathu Kadavil works at 12 Jarrett Street, North Gosford, NSW
What are the Dr Hasher Pallathu Kadavil's qualifications?


Dr Hasher Kadavil completed his Medical degree (MBBS) and Diploma in Anaesthesia (DA) in India in 2002. Dr Kadavil then moved to the United Kingdom for specialist anaesthesia training. Hasher completed further anaesthesia and pain medicine training in New Zealand and Australia and became a Fellow of the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists in 2009. Having worked and trained in pain medicine for many years, Hasher completed further training and exams in pain medicine and became a Fellow of the Faculty of Pain Medicine, Australian and New Zealand College (FFPMANZCA) of Anaesthetists in 2015. Dr Kadavil uses a holistic approach and evaluates the likely causes of pain and what options there are for reducing pain and how pain affects the patient’s lives in terms of home life, social life and work life. Dr Kadavil treats a range of pain types including, but not limited to: Chronic Back & Neck Pain Neuropathic Pain Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Acute Pain (Surgical Pain) Post-Surgical Pain Pain in the Elderly Dr Kadavil works as part of a multidisciplinary pain management team, which includes a pain psychologist and an exercise physiologist. Dr Kadavil works as an anaesthetist at various public and private hospitals on the Central Coast. Hasher and his family have now made the Central Coast their long-term home.


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