Dr Ghana Chapagain
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Dr Ghana Chapagain
Dr Ghana Chapagain is a Psychiatrist, have practice in The Hills Clinic Kellyville in Kellyville, NSW . Dr Ghana Chapagain has 160 views and no reviews. 0 patients voted for medical provider, average rating 0.00 out of 5.


Dr Ghana Chapagain is a consultant psychiatrist and President of the Australasian Nepalese Medical and Dental Association who accepts referrals for clients 17 and above. His areas of interest include: mood disorders such as depression and bipolar disorder, psychosis, anxiety disorders including panic disorder, OCD and PTSD, grief and adjustment disorders. Ghana is an accredited psychiatrist for WorkCover assessment. He has a special interest in working with people from culturally and linguistically diverse background. Ghana holds concurrent appointments with Nepean Blue Mountains Local Health District and as a part time VMO position in New England area of regional NSW. He also has special interest in Leadership and Management. Ghana is an accredited college supervisor for registrars training in psychiatry. He is involved in teaching medical students and also holds conjoint clinical lecturer position with University of Sydney, Medical school and University of New England.

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  • Practice name The Hills Clinic Kellyville
  • Address 3 McCausland Pl, Kellyville NSW 2155
  • Suburb or City Kellyville, NSW
What is the Dr Ghana Chapagain's specialty?
Dr Ghana Chapagain is a Psychiatrist.
What is the address of the Dr Ghana Chapagain's practice?
Dr Ghana Chapagain works at 3 McCausland Pl, Kellyville NSW 2155
What are the Dr Ghana Chapagain's qualifications?


Dr Ghana Chapagain is a consultant psychiatrist and President of the Australasian Nepalese Medical and Dental Association who accepts referrals for clients 17 and above. His areas of interest include: mood disorders such as depression and bipolar disorder, psychosis, anxiety disorders including panic disorder, OCD and PTSD, grief and adjustment disorders. Ghana is an accredited psychiatrist for WorkCover assessment. He has a special interest in working with people from culturally and linguistically diverse background. Ghana holds concurrent appointments with Nepean Blue Mountains Local Health District and as a part time VMO position in New England area of regional NSW. He also has special interest in Leadership and Management. Ghana is an accredited college supervisor for registrars training in psychiatry. He is involved in teaching medical students and also holds conjoint clinical lecturer position with University of Sydney, Medical school and University of New England.


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