Dr George Kalogeropoulos is a Surgeon, General Surgeon, Bariatric Surgeon (Obesity), have practice in Geelong, VIC . Dr George Kalogeropoulos has 149 views and no reviews. 0 patients voted for medical provider, average rating 0.00 out of 5.


George completed his Medical degree at The University of Melbourne in 2003, going on to complete his Surgical training (FRACS) at St Vincent’s Hospital in 2011.

George then underwent specialist fellowship training in Upper GI and Hepatobiliary surgery at St Vincent’s and then Box Hill Hospitals in Melbourne prior to completing two years of International Fellowships in the United Kingdom.

Whilst in the UK he trained as the sole Senior Clinical Fellow in Hepatobiliary Surgery in the 2nd biggest teaching hospital in the UK and Europe, exposing him to a large number of hepatic, pancreatic and biliary resections, complex benign HPB, advanced laparoscopic resections, minimally invasive pancreatic necrosectomies, HPB trauma and EUS training.

In his second year he trained in Laparoscopic Upper GI and Bariatric surgery in the world renouned Oxford Upper GI unit at the Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust. In addition to this he was the fellow responsible for running the Oxford Bariatric Service which provided him with an incredible experience in the preoperative, operative, post operative management and follow up of Bariatric surgery patients.

On return to Australia, George has commenced Specialist surgical practice in both private and public hospitals in Melbourne. He will see patients referred to him for a specialist appointment in his rooms within a week.

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  • Practice name
  • Address 80 Myers St, Geelong, VIC
  • Suburb or City Geelong, VIC
What is the Dr George Kalogeropoulos's specialty?
Dr George Kalogeropoulos is a Surgeon, General Surgeon, Bariatric Surgeon (Obesity).
What is the address of the Dr George Kalogeropoulos's practice?
Dr George Kalogeropoulos works at 80 Myers St, Geelong, VIC
What are the Dr George Kalogeropoulos's qualifications?


George completed his Medical degree at The University of Melbourne in 2003, going on to complete his Surgical training (FRACS) at St Vincent’s Hospital in 2011.

George then underwent specialist fellowship training in Upper GI and Hepatobiliary surgery at St Vincent’s and then Box Hill Hospitals in Melbourne prior to completing two years of International Fellowships in the United Kingdom.

Whilst in the UK he trained as the sole Senior Clinical Fellow in Hepatobiliary Surgery in the 2nd biggest teaching hospital in the UK and Europe, exposing him to a large number of hepatic, pancreatic and biliary resections, complex benign HPB, advanced laparoscopic resections, minimally invasive pancreatic necrosectomies, HPB trauma and EUS training.

In his second year he trained in Laparoscopic Upper GI and Bariatric surgery in the world renouned Oxford Upper GI unit at the Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust. In addition to this he was the fellow responsible for running the Oxford Bariatric Service which provided him with an incredible experience in the preoperative, operative, post operative management and follow up of Bariatric surgery patients.

On return to Australia, George has commenced Specialist surgical practice in both private and public hospitals in Melbourne. He will see patients referred to him for a specialist appointment in his rooms within a week.


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