Dr Farokh Irani
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Dr Farokh Irani
Dr Farokh Irani is a Ophthalmologist, Eye Specialist, have practice in Bendigo, VIC . Dr Farokh Irani has 308 views and no reviews. 0 patients voted for medical provider, average rating 0.00 out of 5.

MBBS (Hons), (Melb), Dip Anat, FRANZCO

Mr Irani has 21 Years surgical experience with highly successful outcomes. He has performed over 15,000 cataract procedures, with results being in the world's top 5% from peer reviews. He uses an atraumatic technique with instant vision all under local aesthetic.

He was sub-specialist trained in cataract and refractive surgery in the USA, London and Israel and trained in eye surgery in Sydney. He has a medical degree from Melbourne University with Honours. He is a Fellow of the Royal Australian & New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists and a member of the Australian, American and European society of cataract / refractive surgeons. He is a regular contributor to international and local meetings.

Mr Irani has a major role training junior eye doctors and travels to third world counties to restore sight to the desperately poor. He pioneered low-stress cataract surgery with no needle and no stitch which allows patients to walk in and walk out with no eye pad or covering afterwards and sight restored immediately.

Mr Irani is married with two young children. He lives in Bendigo and enjoys reading, travelling, wine collecting and flying (private pilot).

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  • Practice name
  • Address 1 Chum Street, Bendigo, VIC
  • Suburb or City Bendigo, VIC
What is the Dr Farokh Irani's specialty?
Dr Farokh Irani is a Ophthalmologist, Eye Specialist.
What is the address of the Dr Farokh Irani's practice?
Dr Farokh Irani works at 1 Chum Street, Bendigo, VIC
What are the Dr Farokh Irani's qualifications?

MBBS (Hons), (Melb), Dip Anat, FRANZCO

Mr Irani has 21 Years surgical experience with highly successful outcomes. He has performed over 15,000 cataract procedures, with results being in the world's top 5% from peer reviews. He uses an atraumatic technique with instant vision all under local aesthetic.

He was sub-specialist trained in cataract and refractive surgery in the USA, London and Israel and trained in eye surgery in Sydney. He has a medical degree from Melbourne University with Honours. He is a Fellow of the Royal Australian & New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists and a member of the Australian, American and European society of cataract / refractive surgeons. He is a regular contributor to international and local meetings.

Mr Irani has a major role training junior eye doctors and travels to third world counties to restore sight to the desperately poor. He pioneered low-stress cataract surgery with no needle and no stitch which allows patients to walk in and walk out with no eye pad or covering afterwards and sight restored immediately.

Mr Irani is married with two young children. He lives in Bendigo and enjoys reading, travelling, wine collecting and flying (private pilot).


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