Dr Faraz Shakibaie
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Dr Faraz Shakibaie
Dr Faraz Shakibaie is a Vascular Surgeon, have practice in Wexford Medical Centre in Murdoch, WA . Dr Faraz Shakibaie has 238 views and no reviews. 0 patients voted for medical provider, average rating 0.00 out of 5.


Dr Faraz Shakibaie is a vascular surgeon in Perth, Western Australia. He graduated from the University of Western Australia with a Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery in 1997. He then undertook further training in vascular surgery in Perth, the eastern states and overseas until 2005. During that time Dr Shakibaie obtained a Diploma in Diagnostic Ultrasound.

Dr Shakibaie returned to Perth in 2006 as a consultant vascular surgeon at Royal Perth and Sir Charles Gairdner Hospitals. He became head of the Vascular Surgery Department in 2008 at Royal Perth Hospital, a role he maintained until 2010. Since 2006, Dr Shakibaie has performed vascular surgery procedures at St John of God Murdoch Hospital.

Dr Shakibaie has an outstanding surgical record and reputation. He consistently achieves excellent outcomes for his patients, and often helps other Perth-based surgeons with complex vascular surgery procedures. He is known for his patient-centred approach and the time he takes to listen to and respect the needs of each patient.

Dr Shakibaie performs a full range of vascular surgical procedures. His sub-specialty area of interest is minimally invasive interventions including, but not limited to:
• Minimally invasive endovenous laser, surgery and sclerotherapy for varicose veins
• Minimally invasive angioplasty and stenting for peripheral arterial disease and abdominal aortic aneurysms
• Management of all vascular leg ulcers including management of diabetic foot problems
• Management of carotid artery disease

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  • Practice name Wexford Medical Centre
  • Address 3 Barry Marshall Parade, Murdoch, WA
  • Suburb or City Murdoch, WA
What is the Dr Faraz Shakibaie's specialty?
Dr Faraz Shakibaie is a Vascular Surgeon.
What is the address of the Dr Faraz Shakibaie's practice?
Dr Faraz Shakibaie works at 3 Barry Marshall Parade, Murdoch, WA
What are the Dr Faraz Shakibaie's qualifications?


Dr Faraz Shakibaie is a vascular surgeon in Perth, Western Australia. He graduated from the University of Western Australia with a Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery in 1997. He then undertook further training in vascular surgery in Perth, the eastern states and overseas until 2005. During that time Dr Shakibaie obtained a Diploma in Diagnostic Ultrasound.

Dr Shakibaie returned to Perth in 2006 as a consultant vascular surgeon at Royal Perth and Sir Charles Gairdner Hospitals. He became head of the Vascular Surgery Department in 2008 at Royal Perth Hospital, a role he maintained until 2010. Since 2006, Dr Shakibaie has performed vascular surgery procedures at St John of God Murdoch Hospital.

Dr Shakibaie has an outstanding surgical record and reputation. He consistently achieves excellent outcomes for his patients, and often helps other Perth-based surgeons with complex vascular surgery procedures. He is known for his patient-centred approach and the time he takes to listen to and respect the needs of each patient.

Dr Shakibaie performs a full range of vascular surgical procedures. His sub-specialty area of interest is minimally invasive interventions including, but not limited to:
• Minimally invasive endovenous laser, surgery and sclerotherapy for varicose veins
• Minimally invasive angioplasty and stenting for peripheral arterial disease and abdominal aortic aneurysms
• Management of all vascular leg ulcers including management of diabetic foot problems
• Management of carotid artery disease


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