Dr Eric Ee is a Surgeon, General Surgeon, Colorectal Surgeon, have practice in Casey Surgical Group in Berwick, VIC . Dr Eric Ee has 376 views and no reviews. 2 patients voted for medical provider, average rating 3.00 out of 5.

Mr Eric Ee has experience in advanced laparoscopic surgery and endoscopy.

He has a particular interest in:
- Bowel cancer – including laparoscopic bowel resections
- Anal and perianal disease – abscesses, fistulas, fissures
- Haemorrhoids
- Pilonidal sinus
- Diverticular disease
- Upper GI endoscopy/colonoscopy and polypectomy
- Gallbladder disease
- Hernias – specialist in laparoscopic repair
- Appendix and small bowel conditions
- Ingrown toenails, 'lumps and bumps',
- Skin lesions – including face, simple flaps and grafts
- Hand conditions – carpal tunnel syndrome, ganglion, Dupuytren’s contracture (palmar fibromatosis), trigger finger
- Adult circumcision
- Scrotal conditions – hydrocele, cyst
- Excisional biopsies – lymph node, muscle, temporal artery
- Varicose veins

Mr Ee graduated from the University of Melbourne, and pursued training in general surgery through the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (RACS) at Western Health. He was conferred as a Fellow of the College in 2013 and undertook further training in colorectal surgery at Monash Health.

In addition to his work at St John of God Berwick Hospital, Eric has public appointments at Monash Health (Dandenong, Moorabbin and Casey) and Eastern Health (Maroondah and Angliss). He regularly visits West Gippsland Hospital, Warragul.

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  • Practice name Casey Surgical Group
  • Address 55 Kangan Drive, Berwick, VIC
  • Suburb or City Berwick, VIC
What is the Dr Eric Ee's specialty?
Dr Eric Ee is a Surgeon, General Surgeon, Colorectal Surgeon.
What is the address of the Dr Eric Ee's practice?
Dr Eric Ee works at 55 Kangan Drive, Berwick, VIC
What are the Dr Eric Ee's qualifications?

Mr Eric Ee has experience in advanced laparoscopic surgery and endoscopy.

He has a particular interest in:
- Bowel cancer – including laparoscopic bowel resections
- Anal and perianal disease – abscesses, fistulas, fissures
- Haemorrhoids
- Pilonidal sinus
- Diverticular disease
- Upper GI endoscopy/colonoscopy and polypectomy
- Gallbladder disease
- Hernias – specialist in laparoscopic repair
- Appendix and small bowel conditions
- Ingrown toenails, 'lumps and bumps',
- Skin lesions – including face, simple flaps and grafts
- Hand conditions – carpal tunnel syndrome, ganglion, Dupuytren’s contracture (palmar fibromatosis), trigger finger
- Adult circumcision
- Scrotal conditions – hydrocele, cyst
- Excisional biopsies – lymph node, muscle, temporal artery
- Varicose veins

Mr Ee graduated from the University of Melbourne, and pursued training in general surgery through the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (RACS) at Western Health. He was conferred as a Fellow of the College in 2013 and undertook further training in colorectal surgery at Monash Health.

In addition to his work at St John of God Berwick Hospital, Eric has public appointments at Monash Health (Dandenong, Moorabbin and Casey) and Eastern Health (Maroondah and Angliss). He regularly visits West Gippsland Hospital, Warragul.


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