About Dr Elvis Ojaimi
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Practice Location
- Practice name Epworth Consulting Suites & Clinics
- Address 124 Grey Street, East Melbourne, VIC
- Suburb or City East Melbourne, VIC
Secondary Practice Location
- Practice name Essendon Retina
- Address 154 Buckley street, Essendon, VIC
- Suburb or City Essendon, VIC
- What is the Dr Elvis Ojaimi's specialty?
- Dr Elvis Ojaimi is a Ophthalmologist, Eye Specialist.
- What is the address of the Dr Elvis Ojaimi's practice?
- Dr Elvis Ojaimi works at 124 Grey Street, East Melbourne, VIC
- What are the Dr Elvis Ojaimi's qualifications?
• 02.10.2021Dr Elvis Ojaimi is one of the most caring, professional and no nonsense specialist I have met. His patience and advice during the past 3 years has been extraordinary. His advice and surgical expertise has allowed me to be virtually free of the need for spectacles after 45 years. I cant thank him enough!
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