Dr Eli Gabbay
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Dr Eli Gabbay
Dr Eli Gabbay is a Sleep Medicine Physician, have practice in Respiratory West in Wembley, WA . Dr Eli Gabbay has 176 views and no reviews. 0 patients voted for medical provider, average rating 0.00 out of 5.

Dr Gabbay graduated from the University of Western Australia Medical School in 1987 and undertook specialist training in respiratory medicine at Royal Perth Hospital.

He undertook sub-specialty training at the Freeman Hospital in Newcastle upon Tyne, Stanford University, Palo Alto and the Alfred Hospital, Melbourne before returning to Perth to set up WA's first advanced lung and pulmonary vascular disease program. In 2004, he became the inaugural medical director of the WA Lung Transplant Program.

He is Professor of Respiratory Medicine at the University of Notre Dame Medical School (Australia) and at the University of Western Australia Medical School and is Chair of the Research Executive at UND.

Dr Gabbay is a current co-chair of the Industrial Disease Medical Panel for WorkCover and is a WorkCover Accredited Medical Specialist in Respiratory Disease.

He has appeared as an expert witness on numerous occasions for the Coroner's Court and District Court in Western Australia.

Dr Gabbay has been in private practice as a respiratory physician since 1999. He is interested in all aspects of respiratory medicine and has a special interest in the assessment and management of breathlessness, interstitial lung disease, occupational lung disease and especially asbestos related disease, lung cancer, asthma, COPD, pulmonary hypertension and lung transplantation.

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  • Practice name Respiratory West
  • Address 178 Cambridge Street, Wembley, WA
  • Suburb or City Wembley, WA
What is the Dr Eli Gabbay's specialty?
Dr Eli Gabbay is a Sleep Medicine Physician.
What is the address of the Dr Eli Gabbay's practice?
Dr Eli Gabbay works at 178 Cambridge Street, Wembley, WA
What are the Dr Eli Gabbay's qualifications?

Dr Gabbay graduated from the University of Western Australia Medical School in 1987 and undertook specialist training in respiratory medicine at Royal Perth Hospital.

He undertook sub-specialty training at the Freeman Hospital in Newcastle upon Tyne, Stanford University, Palo Alto and the Alfred Hospital, Melbourne before returning to Perth to set up WA's first advanced lung and pulmonary vascular disease program. In 2004, he became the inaugural medical director of the WA Lung Transplant Program.

He is Professor of Respiratory Medicine at the University of Notre Dame Medical School (Australia) and at the University of Western Australia Medical School and is Chair of the Research Executive at UND.

Dr Gabbay is a current co-chair of the Industrial Disease Medical Panel for WorkCover and is a WorkCover Accredited Medical Specialist in Respiratory Disease.

He has appeared as an expert witness on numerous occasions for the Coroner's Court and District Court in Western Australia.

Dr Gabbay has been in private practice as a respiratory physician since 1999. He is interested in all aspects of respiratory medicine and has a special interest in the assessment and management of breathlessness, interstitial lung disease, occupational lung disease and especially asbestos related disease, lung cancer, asthma, COPD, pulmonary hypertension and lung transplantation.


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