Dr Danielle Delaney
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Dr Danielle Delaney
Dr Danielle Delaney is a Urologist, have practice in North Shore Private Hospital in Cammeray, NSW in St Leonards, NSW. Dr Danielle Delaney has 320 views and no reviews. 0 patients voted for medical provider, average rating 0.00 out of 5.


Profile: Dr Danielle Delaney is a female Urological Surgeon on the Lower North Shore. She is accredited in all aspects of Urology. Danielle has also completed a Fellowship in Paediatric Urology and is currently Head of Department of Urology at Sydney Children’s Hospital, Randwick, which is the only centre in NSW treating renal calculi in children.In adults, she has a special interest in endoscopic urology including renal calculi and bladder cancer. In children she has a special interest in congenital kidney and bladder pathology, and voiding issues. Danielle provides antenatal consultations for congenital urological conditions and is often involved complex pregnancies of both maternal and foetal origin. Danielle also has extensive experience in both adult and paediatric neurogenic bladder dysfunction and overactive bladder.

Special interests: Functional Urology, Stones, Endoscopic surgery, Urodynamics and Paediatric Urology

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  • Practice name North Shore Private Hospital
  • Address 6 Carter Street, CAMMERAY, NSW, 2062
  • Suburb or City Cammeray, NSW
  • Practice name
  • Address 3 Westbourne Street, St Leonards, NSW, 2065
  • Suburb or City St Leonards, NSW
What is the Dr Danielle Delaney's specialty?
Dr Danielle Delaney is a Urologist.
What is the address of the Dr Danielle Delaney's practice?
Dr Danielle Delaney works at 6 Carter Street, CAMMERAY, NSW, 2062
What are the Dr Danielle Delaney's qualifications?


Profile: Dr Danielle Delaney is a female Urological Surgeon on the Lower North Shore. She is accredited in all aspects of Urology. Danielle has also completed a Fellowship in Paediatric Urology and is currently Head of Department of Urology at Sydney Children’s Hospital, Randwick, which is the only centre in NSW treating renal calculi in children.In adults, she has a special interest in endoscopic urology including renal calculi and bladder cancer. In children she has a special interest in congenital kidney and bladder pathology, and voiding issues. Danielle provides antenatal consultations for congenital urological conditions and is often involved complex pregnancies of both maternal and foetal origin. Danielle also has extensive experience in both adult and paediatric neurogenic bladder dysfunction and overactive bladder.

Special interests: Functional Urology, Stones, Endoscopic surgery, Urodynamics and Paediatric Urology


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