Dr Bhavini Shah
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Dr Bhavini Shah
Dr Bhavini Shah is a Breast Surgeon, Gynaecologist, have practice in Traralgon, VIC . Dr Bhavini Shah has 24 views and no reviews. 0 patients voted for medical provider, average rating 0.00 out of 5.
  • Phone 0422 230 270
  • E-mail drbhavinishah.au@gmail.com

Renowned for her compassionate approach and deep expertise, Dr Bhavini Shah offers exceptional oncology treatments in Southeast Melbourne and Gippsland. With extensive training from prestigious institutions like the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre and Monash Health, Dr. Shah specialises in breast, gynecological, and skin cancers. As a leader in early drug development and principal investigator of clinical trials, she remains at the forefront of cancer research. Our offerings include chemotherapy, immunotherapy, oral anticancer treatments, surveillance, and survivorship care. You shouldn’t take any chances when it comes to your health. Choose Dr Bhavini Shah for her dedication to improving cancer outcomes and providing personalised, high-quality care.

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  • Practice name
  • Address 10 Village Ave, Traralgon VIC 3844
  • Suburb or City Traralgon, VIC
What is the Dr Bhavini Shah's specialty?
Dr Bhavini Shah is a Breast Surgeon, Gynaecologist.
What is the address of the Dr Bhavini Shah's practice?
Dr Bhavini Shah works at 10 Village Ave, Traralgon VIC 3844
What is Dr Bhavini Shah's email address?
Dr Bhavini Shah's work email is drbhavinishah.au@gmail.com
What is Dr Bhavini Shah's work phone number?
Dr Bhavini Shah's work phone number is 0422 230 270
What is Dr Bhavini Shah's website?
Dr Bhavini Shah's website is https://drbhavinishah.com.au/
What are the Dr Bhavini Shah's qualifications?

Renowned for her compassionate approach and deep expertise, Dr Bhavini Shah offers exceptional oncology treatments in Southeast Melbourne and Gippsland. With extensive training from prestigious institutions like the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre and Monash Health, Dr. Shah specialises in breast, gynecological, and skin cancers. As a leader in early drug development and principal investigator of clinical trials, she remains at the forefront of cancer research. Our offerings include chemotherapy, immunotherapy, oral anticancer treatments, surveillance, and survivorship care. You shouldn’t take any chances when it comes to your health. Choose Dr Bhavini Shah for her dedication to improving cancer outcomes and providing personalised, high-quality care.


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