Dr Andrew Ling is a Liver and Pancreas Surgeon, Surgeon, General Surgeon, have practice in Dr Andrew Ling in Penrith, NSW . Dr Andrew Ling has 700 views and 2 reviews. .
  • Phone 1300 565 009
  • E-mail surgery@drandrewling.com.au


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  • Practice name Dr Andrew Ling
  • Address 58 Woodriff Street, Penrith, NSW 2750
  • Suburb or City Penrith, NSW
What is the Dr Andrew Ling's specialty?
Dr Andrew Ling is a Liver and Pancreas Surgeon, Surgeon, General Surgeon.
What is the address of the Dr Andrew Ling's practice?
Dr Andrew Ling works at 58 Woodriff Street, Penrith, NSW 2750
What is Dr Andrew Ling's email address?
Dr Andrew Ling's work email is surgery@drandrewling.com.au
What is Dr Andrew Ling's work phone number?
Dr Andrew Ling's work phone number is 1300 565 009
What is Dr Andrew Ling's website?
Dr Andrew Ling's website is https://drandrewling.com.au/
What are the Dr Andrew Ling's qualifications?


2 thoughts on “Dr Andrew Ling”

    Mrs Anna Morrison

    Punctuality - Yes
    Detail-oriented - Yes
    Professionalism - Yes
    Polite and caring - Yes
    Discrimination - No
    Quality medical care - Yes
    Professional team - Yes
    Recommend - Yes
    I find the page useful - Yes

    Dr Andrew Ling had a calm and reassuring manner, as well as a realistic approach to the medical problem I had. His ongoing care is also thorough and helpful as little issues arise. In my opinion he is a first class surgeon.

    5.0 rating


    Nive LUAI

    Punctuality - No
    Detail-oriented - No
    Professionalism - No
    Polite and caring - No
    Discrimination - Yes
    Quality medical care - No
    Professional team - No
    Recommend - No
    I find the page useful - Yes

    Hmm not really sure about this guy
    I was very disappointed!!
    I paid $300 just for this Andrew Ling to tell me that if I DO decide to have surgery it is a 3% of survival after explaining the whole procedure of my surgery and then tells me it’s a 3% of survival!
    So what’s the Point of having surgery????
    The impression I got from Andrew ling was that he didn’t care at all! He sounded like he just wanted to hurry up and just rushed things and get it over and done with
    And looked tired just explaining everything.
    Out of all my surgeons I’ve dealt with in the past are the BEST!!! And real professionals!!
    But this weirdo literally put me off from having Liver surgery and now then had the nerve to tell me to come back again if I had any questions for him….$300 just to go back and ask questions. Money hunger! Never again!

    1.0 rating


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